ConfigurationSetting method - ListReportServersInDatabase

Returns the list of report server installations that are present in the report server database, regardless of whether they have access to secure information.


Public Sub ListReportServersInDatabase(ByRef MachineNames() As String, _  
    ByRef InstanceNames() As String, ByRef InstallationIDs() As String, _  
    ByRef IsInitialized() As Boolean, ByRef Length As Int32, _  
    ByRef HRESULT As Int32, ByRef ExtendedErrors() As String)  
public void ListReportServersInDatabase (out string[] MachineNames,   
    out string[] InstanceNames, out string[] InstallationIDs,   
    out Boolean[] IsInitialized,out Int32 Length, out Int32 HRESULT,    
    out string[] ExtendedErrors);  


[out] An array containing the machine names for the report server installations in the database.

[out] An array containing the instance names of each of the report server installations in the database.

[out] An array containing the installation IDs of each report server installation in the database.

[out] An array containing initialization status for each report server installation in the database.

[out] The length of the arrays returned by the method. All returned arrays have the same length.

[out] Value indicating whether the call succeeded or failed.

[out] A string array containing other errors returned by the call.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT indicating success or failure of the method call. A value of 0 indicates that the method call was successful. A nonzero value indicates that an error occurred.


ListReportServersInDatabase lists the report server installations that are present in the report server database, regardless of whether they have access to secure information. It returns a matched set of arrays containing information about each installation.


Namespace: root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admin