Start/Stop Service

The Start/Stop Service activity will start, stop, pause, or restart a Windows service. The Start/Stop Service activity can be used to restart a service that has stopped responding or shut down a service in preparation for a backup. This activity uses a satellite license.

Configuring the Start/Stop Service Activity

Before you configure the Start/Stop Service activity. you need to determine the following:

  • The service name

  • The computer where the service is running

  • Parameters that are required to start the service.


    This depends on the service you're interacting with; it may not be required.

Use the following information to configure the Start/Stop Service activity.

Details Tab

Settings Configuration Instructions
Action Select one of the following actions that you want to take on the service:

- Start service: Start the service if it's stopped. This action is ignored if the service is already running.
- Stop service: Stop a running service. This action is ignored if the service is already stopped.
- Pause service: Pause a running service. This action is ignored if the service is already stopped or paused.
- Restart service: Stop then start a running service. If the service is already stopped, it will only be started.
Computer Type the computer where this service is running. Type localhost to specify the runbook server where the runbook is being processed. You can also use the ellipsis (...) button to browse for the computer.
Service Type the name of the service. You can also use the ellipsis (...) button to browse for the service. Browsing is only available if you have specified a valid Computer.
Parameters Type any parameters that are required to interact with the Service.
Action must complete in less than Specify the maximum amount of time in which the action must complete. After the time has expired, the Start/Stop Service activity will timeout and return a failure.

Published Data

The following table lists the published data items.

Item Description
Service display name The name of the service as it appears in the Windows Services control panel utility.
Service real name The name of the ran file that the service is running.
Service status The current status of the service.
Service computer The name of the computer where the service is located.
Control Parameters The parameters that were passed to the service when it was started, stopped, paused, or restarted.
Control Time Allowance The maximum amount of time that was specified to complete the Start, Stop, Pause, or Restart of service action.
Control Action The action that was taken on the service: Start, Stop, Pause, or Restart.