Exercise - Process an invoice and settle it against a payment


In this exercise, you will process an invoice and settle it against a payment in Finance.

  1. Go to Accounts receivable > Invoices > All free text invoices.
  2. Select New.
  3. In the Customer account field, enter or select US-013.
  4. In the Date field, enter today's date.
  5. In the Description field, enter Selling Old Computers.
  6. In the Main account field, specify the value 110180.
  7. Set Quantity to 5.
  8. Set Unit price to 375.
  9. Select Totals.
  10. Select Post.
  11. Select OK.
  12. Go to Accounts receivable > Payments > Payment journal.
  13. Select New.
  14. In the Name field, enter or select CustPay and then press the Tab key.
  15. Select Enter customer payments.
  16. In the Customer field, select US-013.
  17. Set Amount to 1,912.50.
  18. Select Save in journal.
  19. Close the page.
  20. Select Lines.
  21. Select Validate.
  22. Select Validate.
  23. Select Post.
  24. Close all pages.