

Imagine you just started a new job as a system administrator (sysadmin) at Northwind, a high-frequency trading (HFT) firm that runs Windows on its client computers and Linux on its server computers. Computers are the lifeblood of the company, and you need to learn more about how to manage Linux boxes. It's time to skill up!

Bash is the standard shell scripting language for Linux. Let's learn the basics of Bash, starting with the syntax and commonly used commands, like ls and cat.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Learn what shells are and what Bash is
  • Learn about the syntax of Bash commands
  • Learn about important Bash commands, such as ls, cat, and ps
  • Learn how to use I/O operators to redirect input and output
  • Learn how to update a server's operating system
  • Learn how to find and terminate rogue processes
  • Learn how to use Bash to filter Azure CLI output


  • None