

Azure Machine Learning allows you to build powerful AI models and host them on Azure. These AI models have endpoints that can be used in search solutions to enrich indexes.

This module builds on Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search but uses the custom AML skill to enrich a search index with output from an AI model.

In this module, you'll see how to enrich a search index using the custom AmlSkill. You'll explore the steps needed to bring Azure AI Machine Learning Studio and Azure AI Search together. Finally, you'll complete an exercise to create and enrich your own search index.

By completing this module, you'll learn how to:

  • Understand how to use a custom Azure Machine Learning skillset.
  • Use Azure Machine Learning to enrich Azure AI Search indexes.


This module assumes you already know how to create and use an Azure AI Search solution. If not, complete the Create an Azure AI Search solution module first.