Add flexibility by using parameters and variables


Templates are powerful because of their reusability. You can use Bicep to write templates that deploy multiple environments or copies of your resources.

Your toy company launches new products regularly, and you need to use the Bicep templates to create the Azure resources required for each product launch. You need to avoid using fixed resource names. Many types of Azure resources need unique names, so embedding names in your template means you can't reuse the template for multiple product launches. You also have to deploy the resources in different locations depending on where the toys will be launched, which means you can't embed the resource locations in your template either.

In this unit, you'll learn about parameters and variables, which are two Bicep features that can make your templates flexible and reusable. You'll also be introduced to expressions.


The commands in this unit are shown to illustrate concepts. Don't run the commands yet. You'll practice what you learn here soon.

Parameters and variables

A parameter lets you bring in values from outside the template file. For example, if you're manually deploying the template by using the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell, you'll be asked to provide values for each parameter. You can also create a parameter file, which lists all of the parameters and values you want to use for the deployment. If the template is deployed from an automated process like a deployment pipeline, the pipeline can provide the parameter values.

A variable is defined and set within the template. Variables let you store important information in one place and refer to it throughout the template without having to copy and paste it.

It's usually a good idea to use parameters for things that will change between each deployment, like:

  • Resource names that need to be unique.
  • Locations into which to deploy the resources.
  • Settings that affect the pricing of resources, like their SKUs, pricing tiers, and instance counts.
  • Credentials and information needed to access other systems that aren't defined in the template.

Variables are usually a good option when you'll use the same values for each deployment, but you want to make a value reusable within the template, or when you want to use expressions to create a complex value. You can also use variables for resources that don't need unique names.


It's important to use good naming for parameters and variables, so your templates are easy to read and understand. Make sure you're using clear, descriptive, and consistent names.

Add a parameter

In Bicep, you can define a parameter like this:

param appServiceAppName string

Let's look at how each part of this definition works:

  • param tells Bicep that you're defining a parameter.
  • appServiceAppName is the name of the parameter. If you're deploying the template manually, you might be asked to enter a value, so it's important that the name is clear and understandable. The name is also how you refer to the parameter value within the template, just like with resource symbolic names.
  • string is the type of the parameter. You can specify several different types for Bicep parameters, including string for text, int for numbers, and bool for Boolean true or false values. You can also pass in more complex parameters by using the array and object types.


Try not to over-generalize templates by using too many parameters. You should use the minimum number of parameters you need for your business scenario. Remember, you can always change templates in the future if your requirements change.

Provide default values

You can optionally provide a default value for a parameter. When you specify a default value, the parameter becomes optional. The person who's deploying the template can specify a value if they want, but if they don't, Bicep uses the default value.

Here's how you can add a default value:

param appServiceAppName string = 'toy-product-launch-1'


In this example, the Azure App Service app name has a hard-coded default value. This isn't a good idea, because App Service apps need unique names. You'll fix this shortly.

Use parameter values in the template

After you've declared a parameter, you can refer to it throughout the rest of the template. Let's see how you can use your new parameter within the resource definition:

resource appServiceApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2023-12-01' = {
  name: appServiceAppName
  location: 'eastus'
  properties: {
    httpsOnly: true

Notice that the template now uses the parameter value to set the resource name for the app resource, instead of a hard-coded value.


The Bicep extension for Visual Studio Code shows you visual indicators to let you know when you're not following recommended practices. For example, it warns you if you define a parameter that you don't use. The Bicep linter continuously runs these checks while you work.

Add a variable

You can define a variable like this:

var appServicePlanName = 'toy-product-launch-plan'

Variables are defined in a similar way to parameters, but there are a few differences:

  • Use the var keyword to tell Bicep you're declaring a variable.
  • You must provide a value for a variable.
  • Variables don't need types. Bicep can determine the type based on the value that you set.


When you're writing templates, you often don't want to hard-code values, or even ask for them to be specified in a parameter. Instead, you want to discover values when the template runs. For example, you probably want to deploy all of the resources in a template into a single Azure region: the region where you've created the resource group. Or, you might want to automatically create a unique name for a resource based on a particular naming strategy your company uses.

Expressions in Bicep are a powerful feature that helps you handle all sorts of interesting scenarios. Let's take a look at a few places where you can use expressions in a Bicep template.

Resource locations

When you're writing and deploying a template, you often don't want to have to specify the location of every resource individually. Instead, you might have a simple business rule that says, by default, deploy all resources into the same location in which the resource group was created.

In Bicep, you can create a parameter called location, then use an expression to set its value:

param location string = resourceGroup().location

Look at the default value of that parameter. It uses a function called resourceGroup() that gives you access to information about the resource group into which the template is being deployed. In this example, the template uses the location property. It's common to use this approach to deploy your resources into the same Azure region as the resource group.

If someone is deploying this template, they might choose to override the default value here and use a different location.


Some resources in Azure can be deployed only into certain locations. You might need separate parameters to set the locations of these resources.

You can now use the resource location parameter inside the template, like this:

resource appServiceApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2023-12-01' = {
  name: appServiceAppName
  location: location
  properties: {
    httpsOnly: true

Resource names

Many Azure resources need unique names. In your scenario, you have two resources that need unique names: the storage account and the App Service app. Asking for these values to be set as parameters can make it difficult for whoever uses the template, because they need to find a name that nobody else has used.

Bicep has another function called uniqueString() that comes in handy when you're creating resource names. When you use this function, you need to provide a seed value, which should be different across different deployments, but consistent across all deployments of the same resources.

If you choose a good seed value, you can get the same name every time you deploy the same set of resources, but you'll get a different name whenever you deploy a different set of resources by using the same template. Let's look at how you might use the uniqueString() function:

param storageAccountName string = uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)

This parameter's default value uses the resourceGroup() function again, like you did when you set the resource location. This time, though, you're getting the ID for a resource group. Here's what a resource group ID looks like:


The resource group ID includes the Azure subscription ID (3e57e557-826f-460b-8f1c-4ce38fd53b32) and the resource group name (MyResourceGroup). The resource group ID is often a good candidate for a seed value for resource names, because:

  • Every time you deploy the same resources, they'll go into the same resource group. The uniqueString() function will return the same value every time.
  • If you deploy into two different resource groups in the Azure subscription, the resourceGroup().id value will be different, because the resource group names will be different. The uniqueString() function will give different values for each set of resources.
  • If you deploy into two different Azure subscriptions, even if you use the same resource group name, the resourceGroup().id value will be different because the Azure subscription ID will be different. The uniqueString() function will again give different values for each set of resources.


It's often a good idea to use template expressions to create resource names. Many Azure resource types have rules about the allowed characters and length of their names. Embedding the creation of resource names in the template means that anyone who uses the template doesn't have to remember to follow these rules themselves.

Combined strings

If you just use the uniqueString() function to set resource names, you'll probably get unique names, but they won't be meaningful. A good resource name should also be descriptive, so that it's clear what the resource is for. You'll often want to create a name by combining a meaningful word or string with a unique value. This way, you'll have resources that have both meaningful and unique names.

Bicep has a feature called string interpolation that lets you combine strings. Let's see how it works:

param storageAccountName string = 'toylaunch${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}'

The default value for the storageAccountName parameter now has two parts to it:

  • toylaunch is a hard-coded string that helps anyone who looks at the deployed resource in Azure to understand the storage account's purpose.
  • ${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)} is a way of telling Bicep to evaluate the output of the uniqueString(resourceGroup().id) function, then concatenate it into the string.


Sometimes the uniqueString() function will create strings that start with a number. Some Azure resources, like storage accounts, don't allow their names to start with numbers. This means it's a good idea to use string interpolation to create resource names, like in the preceding example.

Selecting SKUs for resources

The other members of your team have been impressed with the Bicep code you've built so far. You've decided together that you'll use your template to deploy the resources to support all your new toy launches.

One of your colleagues has suggested that you create non-production environments for each product launch to help the marketing team test the sites before they're available to customers. However, you want to make sure you don't spend too much money on your non-production environments, so you decide on some policies together:

  • In production environments, storage accounts will be deployed at the Standard_GRS (geo-redundant storage) SKU for high resiliency. App Service plans will be deployed at the P2v3 SKU for high performance.
  • In non-production environments, storage accounts will be deployed at the Standard_LRS (locally redundant storage) SKU. App Service plans will be deployed at the free F1 SKU.

One way to implement these business requirements is to use parameters to specify each SKU. However, specifying every SKU as a parameter can become difficult to manage, especially when you have larger templates. Another option is to embed the business rules into the template by using a combination of parameters, variables, and expressions.

First, you can specify a parameter that indicates whether the deployment is for a production or non-production environment:

param environmentType string

Notice that this code uses some new syntax to specify a list of allowed values for the environmentType parameter. Bicep won't let anyone deploy the template unless they provide one of these values.

Next, you can create variables that determine the SKUs to use for the storage account and App Service plan based on the environment:

var storageAccountSkuName = (environmentType == 'prod') ? 'Standard_GRS' : 'Standard_LRS'
var appServicePlanSkuName = (environmentType == 'prod') ? 'P2V3' : 'F1'

Notice some new syntax here, too. Let's break it down:

  • (environmentType == 'prod') evaluates to a Boolean (true or false) value, depending on which allowed value is used for environmentType parameter.
  • ? is called a ternary operator, and it evaluates an if/then statement. The value after the ? operator is used if the expression is true. If the expression evaluates to false, the value after the colon (:) is used.

We can translate these rules to:

  • For the storageAccountSkuName variable, if the environmentType parameter is set to prod, then use the Standard_GRS SKU. Otherwise, use the Standard_LRS SKU.
  • For the appServicePlanSkuName variable, if the environmentType parameter is set to prod, then use the P2V3 SKU and the PremiumV3 tier. Otherwise, use the F1 SKU.


When you create multi-part expressions like this, it's best to use variables rather than embedding the expressions directly into the resource properties. This makes your templates easier to read and understand, because it avoids cluttering your resource definitions with logic.

When you use parameters, variables, and expressions in your template, you can reuse your template and quickly deploy a new set of resources. For example, each time your marketing department asks you to deploy a new website for the next toy launch, you supply new parameter values for each environment that you deploy, and you'll be set!