Create a knowledge base


To create a question answering solution, you can use the REST API or SDK to write code that defines, trains, and publishes the knowledge base. However, it's more common to use the Language Studio web interface to define and manage a knowledge base.

To create a knowledge base you:

  1. Sign in to Azure portal.

  2. Search for Azure AI services using the search field at the top of the portal.

  3. Select Create under the Language Service resource.

  4. Create a resource in your Azure subscription:

    • Enable the question answering feature.
    • Create or select an Azure AI Search resource to host the knowledge base index.
  5. In Language Studio, select your Azure AI Language resource and create a Custom question answering project.

  6. Add one or more data sources to populate the knowledge base:

    • URLs for web pages containing FAQs.
    • Files containing structured text from which questions and answers can be derived.
    • Predefined chit-chat datasets that include common conversational questions and responses in a specified style.
  7. Edit question and answer pairs in the portal.