Explore the Develop hub


The Develop hub is where you manage SQL scripts, Synapse notebooks, data flows, and Power BI reports.

  1. Select the Develop hub.

    Navigating hubs in Azure Synapse Studio

  2. Expand each of the groups under the Develop menu.

    View objects in the develop hub in Azure Synapse Studio

    The Develop hub in our sample environment contains examples of the following artifacts:

    • SQL scripts contains T-SQL scripts that you publish to your workspace. Within the scripts, you can execute commands against any of the provisioned SQL pools or on-demand SQL serverless pools to which you have access.
    • Notebooks contains Synapse Spark notebooks used for data engineering and data science tasks. When you execute a notebook, you select a Spark pool as its compute target.
    • Data flows are powerful data transformation workflows that use the power of Apache Spark but are authored using a code-free GUI.
    • Power BI reports can be embedded here, giving you access to the advanced visualizations they provide without ever leaving the Synapse workspace.