Integrate Microsoft Entra ID with SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication


Integrating SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication with Microsoft Entra ID gives you the following benefits:

  • You can control in Microsoft Entra ID who has access to SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication.
  • It enables your users to be automatically signed-in to SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication with their Microsoft Entra accounts.
  • You can manage your accounts in one central location - the Azure portal.

To configure the integration of SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication into Microsoft Entra ID, first add SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication from the Microsoft Entra application gallery to your list of managed SaaS apps.

Configure and test Microsoft Entra ID-based single sign-on

Next, you need to configure and test Microsoft Entra ID-based SSO by using the following sequence of steps:

  1. Configure Microsoft Entra single sign-on - to enable your users to use this feature.
  2. Configure SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication single sign-on - to configure the single sign-on settings on application side.
  3. Assign Microsoft Entra users to SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication.

Configure Microsoft Entra single sign-on

  1. In the Azure portal, on the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication application integration page, select Single sign-on.

  2. On the Select a Single sign-on method page, select SAML/WS-Fed mode to enable single sign-on.

  3. On the Set up Single Sign-On with SAML page, select the Edit icon to open the Basic SAML Configuration dialog.

  4. On the Basic SAML Configuration section:

    • To configure IDP initiated mode, specify the SAP Cloud Platform IAS tenant identifier (Entity ID) and the corresponding Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL).
    • To configure the application in SP initiated mode, select Set additional URLs and provide the Sign-on URL.

To obtain these values, you can contact the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Client support team.

SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication application expects the SAML assertions in a specific format. Configure the relevant claims for this application, including givenname, surname, emailaddress, name, and Unique User Identifier. You can manage the values of these attributes from the User Attributes section on the application integration page.

Configure SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication single sign-on

To configure SSO for your application, navigate to the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication administration console. Under Identity Providers, choose the Corporate Identity Providers tile. Choose the Add button to create a Microsoft Entra corporate identity provider. Under SAML 2.0, choose SAML 2.0 Configuration.

Upload Microsoft Entra metadata XML file or configure manually the following fields:

  • Name: The entity ID of the corporate identity provider.
  • Single Sign-On Endpoint URL: The URL of the identity provider single sign-on endpoint that receives authentication requests. For Binding, choose the one that corresponds to a respective single sign-on endpoint.
  • Single Logout Endpoint URL: The URL of the identity provider's single logout endpoint that receives logout messages. For Binding, choose the one that corresponds to respective single logout endpoint.
  • Signing Certificate: The base64-encoded certificate used by the identity provider to digitally sign SAML protocol messages sent to Identity Authentication.

Assign Microsoft Entra users

  1. In the Azure portal, select Enterprise Applications, select All applications, then select SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication.

  2. In the applications list, select SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication.

  3. In the Azure portal, select Users and groups.

  4. Select the Add user button, then select users and groups you intend to assign to the application in the Add Assignment dialog.

  5. If you're expecting any role value in the SAML assertion then in the Select Role dialog select the appropriate role for the user from the list, then click the Select button at the bottom of the screen. In the Add Assignment dialog, select the Assign button.


    You don't need to create a user in SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication. Users who are in the Microsoft Entra user store can use the SSO functionality. SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication supports the Identity Federation option. This option allows the application to check whether users who are authenticated by the corporate identity provider exist in the user store of SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication. The Identity Federation option is disabled by default. If Identity Federation is enabled, only the users that are imported in SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication can access the application.

  6. To verify the outcome, select the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication tile in the Access Panel. You should be automatically signed in to the SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication for which you set up SSO.