Exercise - Create a Power Automate notification


With Microsoft Power Automate, you can automate a task, get or send notifications, and track the completion of tasks.

In this exercise, you create a notification when an emissions factor for fictitious business Company Cooling is recorded to have a CO2 calculation that's greater than 1,800 lb.

  1. Sign in to Power Apps.

  2. On the left pane, expand More, and then select Connections to create a connection to Microsoft Dataverse, Microsoft Teams, and Office 365 Outlook.

    Screenshot of a Power Apps page, showing the "Connections" command in the left pane.

  3. Select New connection.

  4. Select the Microsoft Office 365 Outlook application from the list to make a connection, and then select Create.

    Screenshot showing the "Create" button for creating access to the org-based database on Microsoft Dataverse.

  5. Sign in with your credentials.

  6. Select New connection.

  7. Select the Microsoft Dataverse application from the list to make a connection, and then select Create.

  8. Sign in with your credentials.

  9. Select New connection.

  10. Select the Microsoft Teams application from the list to make a connection, and then select Create.

  11. Sign in with your credentials.

  12. On the left pane, select Flows.

    Screenshot of the Power Apps left pane for selecting the "Flows" command.

  13. Select New flow, and then select Automated cloud flow.

    Screenshot showing how to create a new flow as an automated cloud flow.

  14. In the Flow name box, enter a name for the flow.

    Screenshot showing where to enter a flow name and choose your flow's trigger.

  15. For your flow's trigger, select When a row is added, modified, or deleted for Microsoft Dataverse, and then select Create.

    Screenshot showing the flow name box and a list of options for the flow's trigger.

  16. In the When a row is added, modified, or deleted dropdown lists, do the following:

    a. For Change type, select Added.
    b. For Table name, select Emissions.
    c. For Scope, select Organization.

    Screenshot showing the selections in the "Change type," "Table name," and "Scope" dropdown lists.

  17. Select New step.

  18. Select Condition.

  19. Enter the condition, Emission contains Purchased cooling.

  20. In the If yes action condition, you can select the Send Office 365 email action.

    1. Add recipient’s email in the To field.

    2. Add Subject.

    3. Add variables in the email body.

    Screenshot showing that when a condition is "true," an email can be sent to critical team members.

  21. Save the flow.