Understand Data Activator


Data Activator is a powerful Fabric experience designed for real-time data response. It distinguishes itself through its capability to quickly respond to and analyze data in real-time.

Use Cases for Data Activator

Data Activator can help you in various scenarios, such as dynamic inventory management, real-time customer engagement, and effective resource allocation in cloud environments. It's a potent tool for any circumstance that requires real-time data analysis and actions.

Use Data Activator to:

  • Initiate marketing actions when product sales drop.
  • Send notifications when temperature changes could affect perishable goods.
  • Flag real-time issues affecting the user experience on apps and websites.
  • Trigger alerts when a shipment hasn't been updated within an expected time frame.
  • Send alerts when a customer's account balance crosses a certain threshold.
  • Respond to anomalies or failures in data processing workflows immediately.
  • Run ads when same-store sales decline.
  • Alert store managers to move food from failing grocery store freezers before it spoils.

Understand Data Activator key concepts

Data Activator operates based on four core concepts: Events, Objects, Triggers, and Properties. Understanding these four principles enables you to utilize the capabilities of Data Activator more effectively.

  • Events - Data Activator considers all data sources as a sequence of events, each representing an observation about the status of a particular object. These events can occur frequently, as with IoT sensors, or less frequently, such as when monitoring package scanning in shipping locations.
  • Objects - Data Activator’s objects can be tangible items like vehicles or packages, or abstract concepts like advertising campaigns or user sessions. When creating a Reflex item, you model the object by connecting one or more event streams. You then select a column for the object ID, and specifying the fields to become properties of the object.
  • Triggers - Data Activator’s triggers are designed to monitor your events and data, initiating specified actions once certain conditions within these events are fulfilled.
  • Properties - Data Activator’s properties are beneficial for reusing logic across various triggers. You could, for instance, set up a property on a smart lighting system to track the average brightness levels during the busiest hours of the day. This average could then be used in numerous triggers to correctly tweak the lighting and save energy.

Interoperability with Other Fabric experiences

  • Data Activator can be used in multiple ways with EventStreams.
  • One of Data Activator's strengths is its integration capabilities with other Fabric experiences.
  • Data Activator can ingest data from EventStreams, Power BI reports, and Real-Time Dashboards.

Now you have a grasp on what Data Activator is and its primary functions. Next up, we delve into setting up and using Data Activator.