Review the Azure Cognitive schema


The Azure AI Language service provides powerful tools and generative AI language models for working with text data. The integrations in the azure_cognitive schema of the azure_ai extension offer access to this rich set of natural language understanding and processing features accessible directly from the database. The functionalities include sentiment analysis, language detection and translation, key phrase extraction, entity recognition, and text summarization. Here are the key aspects:

Sentiment analysis predicts a given text's sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral). It assigns confidence scores to each sentiment label, helping you understand the emotional tone of user-generated content, reviews, or social media posts.

Language detection identifies the language in which a text is written. It's helpful for scenarios like multilingual applications or content filtering.

Summarization generates concise summaries of longer texts. It's valuable for extracting essential information from articles, documents, or lengthy paragraphs.

Key phrase extraction identifies significant terms or phrases within a document. It aids in content categorization, search indexing, and topic modeling.

Entity extraction involves identifying entities within the text, such as names, places, dates, email addresses, etc. It encompasses several capabilities, including entity linking and PII (Personally Identifiable Information) detection.

Text translation executes text translation between supported source and target languages.

The azure_cognitive schema

The azure_cognitive schema within the azure_ai extension is designed to facilitate interactions with the Azure AI Language service directly from a PostgreSQL database. The schema includes numerous user-defined functions (UDFs) and composite types.


The available functions enable sentiment analysis, language detection and translation, key phrase and entity extraction, and text summarization.

Name Description
analyze_sentiment Performs sentiment analysis by mining text for positive or negative sentiment clues.
detect_language Detects the language of the provided text.
extract_key_phrases Extracts the main concepts in text.
linked_entities Identifies and disambiguates the identity of an entity found in text.
recognize_entities Identifies entities within the text.
recognize_pii_entities Identifies, categorizes and redacts sensitive information in unstructured text.
summarize_abstractive Generates a summary by creating new original content that represents the key concepts found within the text.
summarize_extractive Generates a summary by identifying key sentences within the text and using those sentences to represent the essential concepts.
translate Translates text into the specified language.

Composite types

The composite types within the azure_cognitive schema handle the return values from the various functions. These types provide the structures required to handle the objects returned by the Language service and include:

  • azure_cognitive.detected_language
  • azure_cognitive.entity
  • azure_cognitive.language_detection_result
  • azure_cognitive.linked_entity
  • azure_cognitive.linked_entity_match
  • azure_cognitive.pii_entity_recognition_result
  • azure_cognitive.sentence
  • azure_cognitive.sentiment_analysis_result
  • azure_cognitive.translated_text_result
  • azure_cognitive.translation
  • azure_cognitive.transliterated_text

You can examine the composite types in more detail using the \dT meta-command from a psql command prompt. For example:

\dT+ azure_cognitive.translated_text_result

To dive further into the composite type, showing all columns, their types, and any special attributes, you can use the `\ d' meta-command:

\d+ azure_cognitive.translated_text_result

This command outputs a table containing the columns, types, and additional details of the specified return type:

               Composite type "azure_cognitive.translated_text_result"
      Column       |                Type               | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage  | Description 
 translations      | azure_cognitive.translation[]     |           |          |         | extended | 
 detected_language | azure_cognitive.detected_language |           |          |         | extended | 
 source_text       | text                              |           |          |         | extended |

Set the Language service endpoint and key

As with the azure_openai functions, you must provide the service's endpoint and a key to successfully make calls against the Language service using the azure_ai extension. The following commands demonstrate how the settings can be added to the azure_ai.settings configuration table.

SELECT azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.endpoint', '{endpoint}');
SELECT azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.subscription_key', '{api-key}');

If performing text translation using the translate function, you must also provide a region when configuring the extension's connection to your Azure AI service:

-- the region setting is only required for the translate function
select azure_ai.set_setting('azure_cognitive.region', '{region}');