Configure storage dimensions


Storage inventory dimensions represent the different ways in which you can store and retrieve items from inventory. By using storage inventory dimensions, you can manage inventory at a detailed level. The type of details that you apply to the creation of storage dimensions depends on your company's needs and expectations. Consider the relevance of each dimension, especially when items have special handling needs.

The available storage dimensions in Supply Chain Management are:

  • Site

  • Warehouse

  • Location

  • Inventory status

  • License plate

You must assign a storage dimension group to a released product. Storage dimension groups help you determine how to store inventory in your warehouse. Supply Chain Management includes some inventory dimensions and options for you to consider when creating your dimension groups.

Product information management > Setup > Dimension and variant groups > Storage dimension groups

Screenshot of the Storage dimension groups page.

Examples of requirements that you might include:

  • Dairy foods must be kept cool.

  • Pharmaceutical goods must be easily identifiable.

  • Ice cream must be kept frozen.


A bicycle company has several facilities that store and manufacture bicycle parts. Each facility stores 10-speed sprockets in one bin and 12-speed sprockets in another bin. However, because workers can easily determine bicycle frame sizes, the facilities don't separate them in the warehouse. Additionally, each facility stores adult and children's frames in the same racks. The company wants to ensure an accurate count of inventory for all parts.


Select the Mandatory slider on the Storage dimension groups page to make the dimension mandatory. A mandatory dimension appears on all journals and transactions, and you must specify a dimension value when creating an entry.

The following rules apply:

  • Product dimensions are always mandatory.

  • When the multiple-site functionality is active, the site storage dimension is mandatory.

  • It's optional whether the warehouse storage dimension is mandatory.

  • You can't specify the remaining inventory dimensions as mandatory.

Primary stocking

To set up inventory dimensions as primary stocking, on the Storage dimension groups page, select the Primary stocking slider. (If you want it to be secondary stocking, don't move the slider.)

A primary stocking dimension appears automatically on the On-hand and Reservation pages. This setting affects how ordered items are re-reserved on physical item receipts. The following rules apply:

  • You must specify the dimension when physically updating item receipts or issues.

  • When automatic reservation is active, the system reserves items according to the selected dimension if the dimension is also specified for the actual item transaction. Basically, if the warehouse is specified on a sales order line, and if primary stocking is specified, automatic reservation only reserves items at this warehouse.

  • Ordered reservations are not re-reserved on physical receipt. If a sales order line is reserved at warehouse A and location 1, and warehouse is set to primary stocking and location is set to secondary stocking, then the sales order line doesn't automatically re-reserve if the warehouse changes when a worker physically updates the receipt. If the location changes to 2, the order line automatically re-reserves for location 2.

Blank receipt allowed and Blank issue allowed

Select the Blank receipt allowed or Blank issue allowed checkboxes on the Storage dimension groups page to apply the following results:

  • Blank receipt allowed - If you don't select the dimension as primary stocking, selecting this checkbox omits the specification of the dimension when you update physical receipts. For example, this functionality is useful when you aren't specifying the serial/lot number on input but doing so for picking and output.

  • Blank issue allowed - If the dimension isn't marked as a product dimension or as primary stocking, selecting this field omits the specification of the dimension when you're updating physical issues.

Physical inventory

Select the Physical inventory checkbox to specify that the system should enter the dimension into the on-hand inventory when it checks whether the item is available in inventory.

Financial inventory

Select the Financial inventory checkbox to indicate that this dimension is part of the financial inventory.

The parameter is of significance if you aren't operating with financially negative inventory with the financial update of item issues, such as invoice-updating in the Accounts receivable module. The system checks the financial on-hand inventory on item issues according to the same logic from the topic concerning Physical inventory.

The Financial inventory parameter also determines how the system calculates item consumption on invoice updating, inventory closing, and cost accounting of the cost value.

Coverage plan by dimension

Select the Coverage plan by dimension checkbox on the Storage dimension groups page to complete the coverage plan for the item individually instead of as a group.

For purchase price

When you select the For purchase price checkbox on the Storage dimension groups page, the search for purchase prices is based on the following rules:

  • Search price for each item, product dimensions, and storage dimensions

  • Search price for each item and product dimensions (storage dimensions are blank)

  • Search price for each item (product dimensions and storage dimensions are blank)

For sales prices

When you select the For sales prices checkbox on the Storage dimension groups page, the search for sales prices is based on the following rules:

  • Search price for each item, product dimensions, and storage dimensions

  • Search price for each item and product dimensions (storage dimensions are blank)

  • Search price for each item (product dimensions and storage dimensions are blank)