

In this module, you learned that teaming Power Apps and SharePoint is a beneficial approach to building business applications. With Power Apps, you can create apps without coding expertise, whereas SharePoint helps you store information and share within your team. When you integrate Power Apps with SharePoint, you'll experience several benefits. You can take advantage of SharePoint lists, which are organized data collections, and forms that simplify information gathering.

You learned multiple methods to create your first Power Apps application with SharePoint so that you can connect to a SharePoint site or list to access its data. Then, you learned how to design the app and add buttons, forms, and other elements to customize its functionality.

Additionally, you learned that when your Power Apps application is complete, you can share and publish it within your company. You also learned how to have control over who can access and use the app and the SharePoint data, helping to ensure needed security.

Power Apps and SharePoint are a powerful combination for creating customized business apps. You can use SharePoint lists and forms, personalize your app's design, and remember to share and help protect it by using governance and security practices.