Project calendars


To create a project schedule, you create a project calendar template that defines the number of working hours for each day and any business closures.

To create a project calendar template, associate a work template with the Calendar template field for the project.

  1. On the Project Operations page, in the navigation menu, under the Projects section, select Resources, and then from the menu bar, select New.
  2. On the New Bookable Resource page, in the User field, enter your username. In the Time zone field, select your local time zone and then select the Scheduling tab.
  3. On the Scheduling tab, in the Company field, select the magnifying glass, select USPM, and then select Save.
  4. Select the Working Hours tab and then double-click the first calendar entry. Select Edit and then select This and all following events.
  5. In the Working hours pane, complete the following settings and then select Save.
    • Time - Change the start time to 9:00 AM and the end time to 5:00 PM.
    • Working Days - Clear Sunday and Saturday.
    • Time Zone - Change to your local time zone.
  6. Select the Change Area and then select Settings > Calendar Templates > New.
  7. On the New Work template page, complete the following settings and then select Save.
    • Name - Enter 9to5 for CST Template. Replace CST with your time zone abbreviation.
    • Description - Enter Template for users working 9 AM to 5 PM in <your time zone>.
    • Template Resource - Select your Name.
  8. In the navigation menu, select Parameters and then select your Organizational Unit.
  9. On the Organizational Unit page, select the Related tab and then select Project Parameters.
  10. On the Project Parameter Associated View list, select Parameter.
  11. On the Project Parameter page, complete the following settings and then select Save.
    • Default Company- Select USPM
    • Default Organization Unit - Change to Fabrikam Robotics Global
    • Invoice Frequency - Select 7th and Last day
    • Work hour template - Select the template that you created