Exercise - Deploy a container app


In this exercise you create a secure Container Apps environment and deploy container app.


  • An Azure account with an active subscription. If you don't already have one, you can sign up for a free trial at https://azure.com/free

Prepare your environment

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal and open the Cloud Shell.

    Screenshot showing the location of Cloud Shell launch button.

  2. After the shell opens be sure to select the Bash environment.

    Screenshot showing the location of the shell selection.

  3. Install the Azure Container Apps extension for the CLI.

    az extension add --name containerapp --upgrade
  4. Register the Microsoft.App namespace.

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.App


    Azure Container Apps resources have migrated from the Microsoft.Web namespace to the Microsoft.App namespace.

  5. Register the Microsoft.OperationalInsights provider for the Azure Monitor Log Analytics workspace if you haven't used it before.

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.OperationalInsights


    Registering the Microsoft.App namespace and Microsoft.OperationalInsights can each take a few minutes to complete.

  6. Set environment variables used later in this exercise. Replace <location> with a region near you.

  7. Create the resource group for your container app.

    az group create \
        --name $myRG \
        --location $myLocation

With the CLI upgraded and a new resource group available, you can create a Container Apps environment and deploy your container app.

Create an environment

An environment in Azure Container Apps creates a secure boundary around a group of container apps. Container Apps deployed to the same environment are deployed in the same virtual network and write logs to the same Log Analytics workspace.

  1. Create an environment by using the az containerapp env create command.

    az containerapp env create \
        --name $myAppContEnv \
        --resource-group $myRG \
        --location $myLocation

Create a container app

After the container app environment finishes deployment, you can deploy a container image to Azure Container Apps.

  1. Deploy a sample app container image by using the containerapp create command.

    az containerapp create \
        --name my-container-app \
        --resource-group $myRG \
        --environment $myAppContEnv \
        --image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/containerapps-helloworld:latest \
        --target-port 80 \
        --ingress 'external' \
        --query properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn

    By setting --ingress to external, you make the container app available to public requests. The command returns a link to access your app.

Verify deployment

Select the link returned by the az containerapp create command to verify the container app is running.

Screenshot showing the sample app running in a browser.

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, you can use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, the container app, and other resources stored there.

az group delete --name $myRG