Exercise - Use Bicep parameters with multiple environments


Now that your workflow deploys to both of your environments, you're ready to integrate with the third-party API for product reviews.

Your website team has provided you with the API keys and URLs that your website should use to access the service. There are different values for your test and production environments to use. In this unit, you'll update your workflow to configure each of your environments with the correct settings for the product review API.

During the process, you'll:

  • Create secrets for the review API keys for each of your environments.
  • Update the workflow with the correct input and secret values for each environment.
  • Update your Bicep file to propagate the settings that you need for the product review API.
  • Review the workflow results and the changes to your Azure environment.

Add secrets

You decide to store the API keys in GitHub secrets, to ensure they're protected appropriately.

  1. In your browser, go to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.

    Screenshot of GitHub that shows the Secrets menu item under the Settings category.

  2. Select the New repository secret button.

  3. Enter REVIEW_API_KEY_TEST as the secret name, and sandboxsecretkey as the value.

    Screenshot of GitHub showing a new secret.

  4. Select Add secret.

  5. Repeat the process to add another secret named REVIEW_API_KEY_PRODUCTION as the secret name, and productionsecretkey as the value. Select Add secret.

Update the deploy.yml file to use the new settings

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the deploy.yml file.

  2. Update the workflow trigger to include new values for the inputs and secrets settings:

            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            type: string
            required: true
            required: true
            required: true
            required: true

    Notice that you include the API URLs as inputs because they aren't secret values.

  3. In the validate job, update the steps to include the new deployment parameters:

         runs-on: ubuntu-latest
         - uses: actions/checkout@v3
         - uses: azure/login@v1
           name: Sign in to Azure
            client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
            tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
            subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
         - if: inputs.environmentType != 'Production'
           uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
           name: Run preflight validation
             deploymentName: ${{ github.run_number }}
             resourceGroupName: ${{ inputs.resourceGroupName }}
             template: ./deploy/main.bicep
             parameters: >
               environmentType=${{ inputs.environmentType }}
               reviewApiUrl=${{ inputs.reviewApiUrl }}
               reviewApiKey=${{ secrets.reviewApiKey }}
             deploymentMode: Validate
         - if: inputs.environmentType == 'Production'
           uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
           name: Run what-if
             failOnStdErr: false
             resourceGroupName: ${{ inputs.resourceGroupName }}
             template: ./deploy/main.bicep
             parameters: >
               environmentType=${{ inputs.environmentType }}
               reviewApiUrl=${{ inputs.reviewApiUrl }}
               reviewApiKey=${{ secrets.reviewApiKey }}
             additionalArguments: --what-if
  4. Update the deploy job to include the new deployment parameters:

      needs: validate
      environment: ${{ inputs.environmentType }}
      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        appServiceAppHostName: ${{ steps.deploy.outputs.appServiceAppHostName }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: azure/login@v1
        name: Sign in to Azure
          client-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
          tenant-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
          subscription-id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
      - uses: azure/arm-deploy@v1
        id: deploy
        name: Deploy Bicep file
          failOnStdErr: false
          deploymentName: ${{ github.run_number }}
          resourceGroupName: ${{ inputs.resourceGroupName }}
          template: ./deploy/main.bicep
          parameters: >
            environmentType=${{ inputs.environmentType }}
            reviewApiUrl=${{ inputs.reviewApiUrl }}
            reviewApiKey=${{ secrets.reviewApiKey }}
  5. Save your changes to the file.

Update the workflow.yml file to provide the new settings

  1. In Visual Studio Code, open the workflow.yml file.

  2. Add the reviewApiUrl inputs, and the reviewApiKey secrets, for each environment:

    name: deploy-toy-website-environments
    concurrency: toy-company
          - main
      id-token: write
      contents: read
      # Lint the Bicep file.
        uses: ./.github/workflows/lint.yml
      # Deploy to the test environment.
        uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy.yml
        needs: lint
          environmentType: Test
          resourceGroupName: ToyWebsiteTest
          reviewApiUrl: https://sandbox.contoso.com/reviews
          AZURE_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID_TEST }}
          AZURE_TENANT_ID: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
          reviewApiKey: ${{ secrets.REVIEW_API_KEY_TEST }}
      # Deploy to the production environment.
        uses: ./.github/workflows/deploy.yml
        needs: deploy-test
          environmentType: Production
          resourceGroupName: ToyWebsiteProduction
          reviewApiUrl: https://api.contoso.com/reviews
          AZURE_TENANT_ID: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
          reviewApiKey: ${{ secrets.REVIEW_API_KEY_PRODUCTION }}
  3. Save your changes to the file.

Update the Bicep file

  1. Open the main.bicep file.

  2. Below the parameters that are already in the file, add the following parameters for the new review API:

    @description('The URL to the product review API.')
    param reviewApiUrl string
    @description('The API key to use when accessing the product review API.')
    param reviewApiKey string
  3. Update the appServiceApp resource definition to provide the review API URL and key to the application, so that your website's code can use them:

    resource appServiceApp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2022-03-01' = {
      name: appServiceAppName
      location: location
      properties: {
        serverFarmId: appServicePlan.id
        httpsOnly: true
        siteConfig: {
          appSettings: [
              value: applicationInsights.properties.InstrumentationKey
              value: applicationInsights.properties.ConnectionString
              name: 'ReviewApiUrl'
              value: reviewApiUrl
              name: 'ReviewApiKey'
              value: reviewApiKey
  4. Save your changes to the file.

  5. Commit and push your changes to your Git repository by using the following commands:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add new review API settings to Bicep file and workflow"
    git push

Review the deployment results

  1. In your browser, go to your workflow runs.

  2. Select the most recent run.

  3. Select the most recent run of your workflow.

    Wait for the workflow to pause before the deploy-production / deploy job. It might take a few minutes for the workflow to reach this point.

  4. Approve the deployment to the production environment by selecting Review deployments, then selecting Production and selecting Approve and deploy.

    Wait for the workflow to finish running.

  5. Select Code and then select the Production environment.

    Notice that you now see multiple deployments in the environment's history.

  6. In your browser, go to the Azure portal.

  7. Go to the ToyWebsiteProduction resource group.

  8. In the list of resources, open the Azure App Service app.

    Select Configuration.

    Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the App Service app and the Configuration menu item.

  9. Select Show values.

    Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the App Service app settings and the button for showing values.

  10. Notice that the values for the ReviewApiKey and ReviewApiUrl settings are set to the values that you configured for the production environment.

    Screenshot of the Azure portal that shows the App Service app settings and the configuration settings.

  11. Compare the current values to the configuration settings for the App Service app in the ToyWebsiteTest resource group. Notice that the values are different.

Clean up the resources

Now that you've completed the exercise, you can remove the resources so you aren't billed for them.

In the Visual Studio Code terminal, run the following commands:

az group delete --resource-group ToyWebsiteTest --yes --no-wait
az group delete --resource-group ToyWebsiteProduction --yes --no-wait

The resource group is deleted in the background.

Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name ToyWebsiteTest -Force
Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name ToyWebsiteProduction -Force