Exercise - Set up the product catalog


The Microsoft Dynamics 365 product catalog can be used from multiple areas of the application. It supports sales-related tables like opportunities, orders, and invoices. It can also be used for service areas, like cases and work orders in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service.

The purpose of this hands-on-lab is to introduce the basics of working with the product catalog. You learn to define products, families, and bundles. You also work with price lists and selling quantities.

Learning objectives

At the end of these exercises, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Define unit groups.
  • Create products, product bundles, and product families.
  • Define product properties.
  • Create discount lists.
  • Create price lists and price list items.

Create a unit group

Scenario: You're a sales manager for Contoso. Because of recent changes to your product and services offerings, you must set up the product catalog to accommodate your professional services offerings. The first step is to create a unit group and related units of measure that lets you track hours in groupings of hours, days, and weeks.

Unit group high-level steps

  1. Create a unit group and name it Services, and that uses Hours as the primary unit.

  2. Add another unit of measure to the Services unit group, and name it Week. (This represents 40 hours.)

Unit group detailed steps

  1. If necessary, navigate to https://dynamics.microsoft.com and select the Sales Hub application.

  2. Using the navigation pane, select the Sales area at the bottom of the screen. From the menu that appears, select App Settings.

  3. Under the Product Catalog group, select Unit Groups.

  4. In the Unit Groups view, on the command bar, select New.

  5. In the Create Unit Group dialog box, in the Name field, enter Services. In the Primary Unit field, enter Hour.

  6. Select OK.

  7. On the Related tab, select Units.

  8. Select the New Unit button.

  9. In the Quick Create: Unit dialog box, enter the following required information:

    • Name: Day

    • Quantity: 8

    • Base Unit: Hour

  10. Select Save & Create New.

  11. In the Quick Create: Unit dialog box, enter the following required information:

    • Name: Week

    • Quantity: 5

    • Base Unit: Day

  12. Select Save & Create New.

  13. In the Quick Create: Unit dialog box, enter the following required information:

    • Name: Month

    • Quantity: 4

    • Base Unit: Week

  14. Select Save and Close.

Work with products, families, and bundles

Scenario: Your company offers several different products, from printers to LCD TVs and more. Recently, you started to carry a new line of printers named Proseware. Proseware has several different models and price ranges. You must now add a product family for Proseware printers to your organization's product catalog, and then add several of the Proseware printer models that you carry.

Create a new product family

Product family high-level steps

  1. Add a new product family for Proseware printers.

  2. Define the properties for the new product family.

Product family detailed steps

  1. If necessary, use the navigation pane to select the Sales area at the bottom of the screen. From the menu that appears, select App Settings.

  2. Under the Product Catalog group, select Families & Products. On the command bar, select Add Family.

  3. In the Quick Create: Product dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Name: Proseware Printers

    • Product ID: Proseware Printers

    • Valid From: The beginning of the current month

    • Valid To: One year later

  4. Select Save and Close.

  5. Find and open the Proseware Printers product.

  6. On the Product Properties tab, in the Product Properties subgrid, select New Property.

  7. Enter the following values for the new property record:

    • Name: Sheet Capacity

    • Read-Only: No

    • Required: No

    • Hidden: No

  8. On the Properties tab, in the Data Type field, select Option Set.

  9. Select the Save button to save the property and leave it open.

  10. In the Property Option Set Items subgrid, select Add Property Option Set Item.

  11. In the Quick Create: Property Option Set Item dialog box, enter the following values:

    • Name: 100

    • Value: 1

  12. Select Save & Create New.

  13. In the Quick Create: Property Option Set Item dialog box, enter the following values:

    • Name: 500

    • Value: 2

  14. Select Save & New.

  15. Repeat this process to add all the following property options:

    • Name: 1000, Value: 3

    • Name: 2500, Value: 4

    • Name: 5000, Value: 5

Create a new product

Scenario: Your company carries several different Proseware printer models. Each model that you sell must be added to Dynamics 365 to use it for future sales opportunities and orders. You must now update the product catalog so that it lists this new product, and you must make the new product available to other users.

New product high-level steps

  1. Add a three new Proseware printers to the product catalog:

    • Ink Jet All in One IJ300

    • Office Jet All in One OJ4500

    • Laser Jet All in One LJ9800

  2. Create a new retail price list

  3. Add the new printers to the retail price list.

New product detailed steps

  1. If necessary, use the navigation pane to select the Sales area at the bottom of the screen. From the menu that appears, select App Settings.

  2. Under Product Catalog, select Families & Products, and then, on the command bar, select Add Product.

  3. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300

    • Product ID: PROINKIJ300

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  4. Select Save & Close.

  5. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Product again.

  6. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields, and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware INK Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Product ID: PROINK

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  7. Select Save & Close.

  8. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Product again.

  9. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields, and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware Office Jet All in one OJ4500

    • Product ID: PROOFFOJ4500

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  10. Select Save & Close.

  11. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Product again.

  12. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields, and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware Office Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Product ID: PROOFFINK

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  13. Select Save & Close.

  14. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Product again.

  15. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields, and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware Laser Jet All in one LJ8900

    • Product ID: PROLASLJ8900

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  16. Select Save & Close.

  17. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Product again.

  18. On the Product Details tab, enter values for the following required fields, and for other fields as appropriate:

    • Name: Proseware Laser Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Product ID: PROLASINK

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  19. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select the Proseware Printers product family.

  20. On the command bar, select the Publish button.

  21. On the Confirm Publish screen, select the Confirm button.

  22. Repeat the two previous steps to publish each of the following products:

    • Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300

    • Proseware Office Jet All in one OJ4500

    • Proseware Laser Jet All in one LJ8900

    • Proseware Laser Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Proseware Office Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Proseware Ink Jet All in one Ink Pack

Create product bundles

Occasionally, when your organization wants to move specific merchandise, it offers different product bundles. In this case, the organization is bundling together specific printers and ink.

  1. On the Products, Families & Bundles page, select Add Bundle.

  2. Enter the following values for the new bundle:

    • Name: Proseware Ink Jet Bundle

    • Product ID: PROINKBUN

    • Unit Group: Default Unit

    • Default Unit: Primary Unit

    • Decimals Supported: 2

  3. Select the Save button to save the record and leave it open.

  4. Select the Bundle Products tab.

  5. On the subgrid, select New Product Association.

  6. Enter the following values for the new bundle product:

    • Bundle: Proseware Ink Jet Bundle

    • Product: Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300

    • Quantity: 1

    • Required: Required

    • Units: Primary Unit

  7. Select Save & Close.

  8. In the Bundle Products subgrid, select New Product Association again.

  9. Enter the following values for the new bundle product:

    • Bundle: Proseware Ink Jet Bundle

    • Product: Proseware Ink Jet All in one Ink Pack

    • Quantity: 2

    • Required: Optional

    • Units: Primary Unit

  10. Select Save & Close.

  11. On the command bar, select the Publish button to publish the bundle.

  12. After the product is published, select Clone on the command bar.

  13. In the Clone Product window, select Confirm.

  14. Change the values for the bundle as shown here:

    • Name: Proseware Laser Jet Bundle

    • Product ID: PROLASBUN

  15. Select the Save button to save the record and leave it open.

  16. In the Bundle Products subgrid, select the Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300 record and select the Edit (pencil) button.

  17. In the Product field, select the magnifying glass button, and then select Look up More Records.

  18. In the Lookup Record field, select Remove Value.

  19. Set the Product Value field to Proseware Laser Jet All in One LJ8900.

  20. Set the Units field to Primary Unit.

  21. Select Save & Close.

  22. In the Bundle Products subgrid, select the Proseware Ink Jet All in one Ink Pack record and select the Edit (pencil) button.

  23. In the Product field, select the magnifying glass button, and then select Look up More Records.

  24. In the Lookup Record field, select Remove Value.

  25. Set the Product Value field to Proseware Laser Jet All in One Ink Pack.

  26. Set the Units field to Primary Unit.

  27. Close the product.

  28. On the command bar, select the Publish button to publish the bundle.

  29. After the product is published, select Clone on the command bar.

  30. In the Clone Product window, select Confirm.

  31. Change the values for the bundle as shown here:

    • Name: Proseware Office Jet Bundle

    • Product ID: PROOFFBUN

  32. Select Save.

  33. In the Bundle Products subgrid, open the Proseware Laser Jet All in one LJ8900 record and select Edit.

  34. In the Product field, select the magnifying glass button, and then select Look up More Records.

  35. In the Lookup Record field, select Remove Value.

  36. Set the Product Value field to Proseware Office Jet All in One OJ4500.

  37. Set the Units field to Primary Unit.

  38. Close the product.

  39. In the Bundle Products subgrid, open the Proseware Laser Jet All in one Ink Pack Record.

  40. In the Product field, select the magnifying glass button, and then select Look up More Records.

  41. In the Lookup Record field, select Remove Value.

  42. Set the Product Value field to Proseware Office Jet All in One Ink Pack.

  43. Set the Units field to Primary Unit.

  44. Close the product.

  45. On the command bar, select the Publish button to publish the bundle.

Work with price lists

Scenario: Your organization primarily serves two types of customers: retail customers and wholesale customers. Retail customers have fixed pricing that's higher than the wholesale pricing. Besides being lower, wholesale pricing offers a quantity discount based on the number of printers that are bought. Here's an overview of the discounts that are available:

  • 1 to 5 printers: No discount

  • 6 to 10 printers: 5% discount

  • 11 to 50 printers: 10% discount

  • 51 or more printers: 25% discount

You were asked to create both the retail and wholesale price lists, ensure Proseware printer products are added to both, and ensure the previously mentioned discounts are applied to the wholesale pricing. So, you must now create a new discount list and name it Wholesale Discount List.

Price list high-level steps

  1. Add a new discount list and name it Wholesale Discount List.

  2. Add the following discount ranges and percentage discounts:

    • 6 to 10 (5 percent)
    • 11 to 50 (10 percent)
    • 51 to 100,000 (25 percent)
  3. Create the retail and wholesale price lists.

Price list detailed steps

  1. If necessary, use the navigation pane to select the Sales area at the bottom of the screen. From the menu that appears, select App Settings.

  2. Under the Product Catalog group, select Discount Lists, and then, on the command bar, select New.

  3. In the Create Discount List dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Name: Wholesale Discount List

    • Type: Percentage

  4. Select Save to save the record and leave it open.

  5. On the Related tab, in the menu that appears, select Discounts.

  6. Select New Discount to create a discount for this discount list.

  7. In the Discount dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Begin Quantity: 6

    • End Quantity: 10

    • Percentage: 5

  8. Select Save & Close.

  9. Select New Discount again to create another discount for this discount list.

  10. In the Discount dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Begin Quantity: 11

    • End Quantity: 50

    • Percentage: 10

  11. Select Save & Close.

  12. Select New Discount again to create another discount for this discount list.

  13. In the Discount dialog box, enter the following information:

    • Begin Quantity: 51

    • End Quantity: 100,000

    • Percentage: 25

  14. Select Save & Close.

  15. Close the Wholesale discount list.

Create retail and wholesale price lists

  1. On the Product Catalog page, select Price Lists, and then on the command bar, select New.

  2. Enter the following values for the new price list:

    • Name: Retail

    • Start Date: The beginning of the current month

    • End Date: The end of year

  3. Select Save & Close.

  4. In the Active Price Lists view, on the command bar, select New.

  5. Enter the following values for the new price list:

    • Name: Wholesale

    • Start Date: Leave this field blank.

    • End Date: Leave this field blank.

  6. Select Save & Close.

Add products to the retail and wholesale price lists

  1. Under Product Catalog, select Price Lists.

  2. Open the Retail price list.

  3. On the Price List Items tab, select Add Price List Item Record.

  4. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Retail

    • Product: Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $350.00

  5. Select Save & Close.

  6. In the Price List Items subgrid, select Add Price List Item Record.

  7. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Retail

    • Product: Proseware Laser Jet All in one LJ8900

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $475.00

  8. Select Save & Close.

  9. In the Price List Items subgrid, select Add Price List Item Record again.

  10. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Retail

    • Product: Proseware Office Jet All in one OJ4500

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $250.00

  11. Select Save & Close.

  12. Continue to add the following products.

    Price List Product Unit Pricing Method Amount
    Retail Proseware Ink Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $150.00
    Retail Proseware Laser Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $150.00
    Retail Proseware Office Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $150.00
    Retail Proseware Ink Jet Bundle Primary Unit Currency Amount $500.00
    Retail Proseware Laser Jet Bundle Primary Unit Currency Amount $600.00
    Retail Proseware Office Jet Bundle Primary Unit Currency Amount $400.00
  13. Open the Wholesale price list.

  14. In the Price List Items subgrid, select Add Price List Item Record.

  15. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Wholesale

    • Product: Proseware Ink Jet All in one IJ300

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Discount List: Wholesale Discount List

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $300.00

  16. Select Save & Close.

  17. In the Price List Items subgrid, select Add Price List Item Record again.

  18. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Wholesale

    • Product: Proseware Laser Jet All in one LJ8900

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Discount List: Wholesale Discount List

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $400.00

  19. Select Save & Close.

  20. In the Price List Items subgrid, select Add Price List Item Record again.

  21. Enter the following values for the new price list item:

    • Price List: Wholesale

    • Product: Proseware Office Jet All in one OJ4500

    • Unit: Primary Unit

    • Discount List: Wholesale Discount List

    • Pricing Method: Currency Amount

    • Amount: $200.00

  22. Select Save & Close.

  23. Your organization doesn't offer any volume discount on ink, and bundles aren't offered for wholesale pricing. Continue to add the following products.

    Price List Product Unit Pricing Method Amount
    Wholesale Proseware Ink Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $100.00
    Wholesale Proseware Laser Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $100.00
    Wholesale Proseware Office Jet All in one Ink Pack Primary Unit Currency Amount $100.00

Use the product catalog with an opportunity

Scenario: Nancy Anderson at Adventure Works just reached out to you. Adventure Works already sells many of your TVs and monitors in its stores. But it wants to start to offer the Proseware printers that your organization provides. Because Adventure Works has multiple locations across the country/region, it receives wholesale pricing from your organization.

As part of the initial test at several of their most important locations, Nancy is interested in the following products:

  • 75 Ink Jet Printers
    • 100 Ink Jet – Ink Packs
  • 5 Laser Jet Printers
    • 10 Laser Jet – Ink Packs
  • 25 Office Jet Printers
    • 35 Office Jet – Ink Packs

Adventure Works is interested in this deal and wants to finish this process by the end of the month.

High-level steps

  1. Create a new opportunity for Adventure Works.

  2. Assign the opportunity to the wholesale price list.

  3. Set the opportunity to system-calculated pricing.

  4. Add the required product quantities to the opportunity.

Detailed steps

  1. Using the navigation pane, select the App Settings area at the bottom of the screen. In the menu that appears, select Sales.

  2. Using the navigation, select Accounts.

  3. Open the Adventure Works account.

  4. On the Related tab, on the menu that appears, select Opportunities.

  5. Select Add Opportunity.

  6. Enter the following values for the new opportunity:

    • Topic: Interested in testing Printer Market

    • Contact: Nancy Anderson

    • Est. Close Date: The end of the current month

  7. Select Save.

  8. In the Recent Opportunities subgrid, open the opportunity that you created.

  9. In the Product Line Items section, set the Price List field to Wholesale.

  10. Set the Revenue field to System Calculated.

  11. Select Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

  12. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product.

  13. Select Existing Product.

  14. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Ink Jet All in One IJ300.

  15. In the Quantity field, enter 75.

    Notice that the extended amount automatically reflects a 25-percent discount.

  16. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product again.

  17. Select Existing Product.

  18. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Laser Jet All in One LJ8900.

  19. In the Quantity field, enter 5.

    Notice that no discount is applied because the quantity isn't a discountable quantity.

  20. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product again.

  21. Select Existing Product.

  22. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Office Jet All in One OJ4500.

  23. In the Quantity field, enter 25.

    Notice that the extended amount automatically reflects a 10-percent discount.

  24. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product again.

  25. Select Existing Product.

  26. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Ink Jet All in One Ink Pack.

  27. In the Quantity field, enter 100.

  28. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product again.

  29. Select Existing Product.

  30. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Laser Jet All in One Ink Pack.

  31. In the Quantity field, enter 10.

    Notice that no discount is applied because your organization doesn't offer a discount on ink.

  32. In the Product Line Items subgrid, select Add Opportunity Product again.

  33. Select Existing Product.

  34. Select the magnifying glass button, and then select Proseware Office Jet All in One Ink Pack.

  35. In the Quantity field, enter 25.

    Notice that no discount is applied because your organization doesn't offer a discount on ink.

  36. On the opportunity header, notice that the value of the Est. Revenue field is $36,875.00.

  37. Change the quantity for Laser Jet All in One LJ8900 to 10.

    The value of the Est. Revenue field should change to $38,675.00.