Work with the file system


Tailwind Traders has each of its stores write its sales total to a file and send that file to a central location. To use those files, the company needs to create a batch process that can work with the file system.

Here, you learn how to use Node.js to read the file system to discover files and directories.

Include the fs module

Node.js provides a built-in module, fs (short for file system), for working with the file system. Because it is part of the Node.js runtime, you don't need to install it; you reference it just as you would any other dependency.

The fs module has a promises namespace that has promise versions of all methods. Using the promise namespace is the preferred way to work with the fs module because it allows you to use async to avoid the messiness of callbacks or the blocking of synchronous methods.

const fs = require("fs").promises;

You can use the fs module to do various operations on files and directories. It has several methods to pick from. For now, we're going to focus on what you need to know to work with directories.

List contents in a directory with fs.readdir

One task that you often do with the fs module is list out or enumerate the contents in a directory. For instance, Tailwind Traders, has a root folder called stores. In that folder are subfolders organized by store number. Inside those folders, are the sales-total files. The structure looks like this:

📂 stores
    📄 sales.json
    📄 totals.txt
    📂 201
    📂 202

To read through the contents of the folder, you can use the async readdir method. Most operations on the fs module have both synchronous (postpended with Sync) and asynchronous options. The results are returned in alphanumeric order.

const fs = require("fs").promises;

async function main() {
    const items = await fs.readdir("stores");

The alphanumeric-sorted list of items looks like this:

[ '201', '202', '203', '204' ]

Determine content type with isDirectory

When you read the contents of a directory, you get back both folders and files as an array of strings. You can determine which strings are files and which ones are directories by passing in the withFileTypes option. This option returns an array of Dirent objects instead of an array of strings. The Dirent object has isFile and isDirectory methods that you can use to determine what type of object you're dealing with.

const fs = require("fs").promises;

async function main() {
    const items = await fs.readdir("stores", { withFileTypes: true });
    for (let item of items) {
        const type = item.isDirectory() ? "folder" : "file";
        console.log(`${}: ${type}`);

The alphanumeric-sorted list of items looks like this:

201: folder
202: folder
203: folder
204: folder

A note about recursion

Often, you may need to work with complex directory structures that include multiple nested folders, each potentially containing more subfolders and files. In such cases, you need a way to navigate through this tree-like structure to find specific files.

To achieve this, you can create a function that identifies if an item is a folder. If it is, the function then searches within that folder for more files. This process is repeated for every folder that is found.

This is achieved by using a technique called recursion, where the function calls itself to search within the newly found folders. This allows the program to "walk" through the entire directory tree, reaching into every nested folder until all folders have been explored.

const fs = require("fs").promises;

async function findFiles(folderName) {

    let results = []


    const items = await fs.readdir(folderName, { withFileTypes: true });

    for (const item of items) {
        if (item.isDirectory()) {

            // RECURSION - calling the function from within itself
            const resultsReturned = await findFiles(`${folderName}/${}`);
            results = results.concat(resultsReturned);
        } else {

    return results;

findFiles("stores").then((results) => console.log(results));

The output looks like:


Use a predefined development environment

This training module offers a development container, either in a browser or for your local computer. This container provides all the needed environment so you can use this training module without having to install an IDE or Node.js. You don't need to know anything about the container to complete this training module.

Check your knowledge


Which of the following operations can you do with the fs module?

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