Exercise - Connect to your database and add sample data


Before you connect the database to your app, you want to verify that you can connect to it, add a basic table, and work with sample data.

We maintain the infrastructure, software updates, and patches for your Azure SQL database. You can treat your Azure SQL database like you would any other SQL Server installation. For example, you can use Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, or other tools to manage your Azure SQL database.

How you access your database and connect it to your app is up to you. To get some experience working with your database, let's connect to it directly from the portal, create a table, and run a few basic CRUD operations. Here, you learn:

  • What Cloud Shell is and how to access it from the portal.
  • How to access information about your database from the Azure CLI, including connection strings.
  • How to connect to your database using sqlcmd.
  • How to initialize your database with a basic table and some sample data.

What is Azure Cloud Shell?

Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based shell experience to manage and develop Azure resources. Think of Cloud Shell as an interactive console that runs in the cloud.

Behind the scenes, Cloud Shell runs on Linux. But, depending on whether you prefer a Linux or Windows environment, you have two experiences from which to choose: Bash and PowerShell.

Cloud Shell is accessible from anywhere. Besides the portal, you can also access Cloud Shell from shell.azure.com, the Azure mobile app, or from Visual Studio Code.

Cloud Shell includes popular tools and text editors. Here's a brief look at the az, jq, and sqlcmd utilities, which are three tools that you use in this exercise.

  • az is also known as the Azure CLI. It's the command-line interface for working with Azure resources. You use this interface to get information about your database, including the connection string.
  • jq is a command-line JSON parser. You pipe output from az commands to this tool to extract important fields from JSON output.
  • sqlcmd enables you to execute statements on SQL Server. You use sqlcmd to create an interactive session with your Azure SQL database.

Get information about your Azure SQL database

Before you connect to your database, it's a good idea to verify that it exists and is online.

Here, you use the az utility to list your databases and show some information about the Logistics database, including its maximum size and status.

  1. The az commands you run require the name of your resource group and the name of your Azure SQL logical server. To save keystrokes, run this azure configure command to specify them as default values.

    Replace [server-name] with the name of the Azure SQL logical server you created and [resource-group] with the resource group you used for your server.

    az configure --defaults group=[resource-group] sql-server=[server-name]


    Depending on the pane you are on in the portal, your SQL server name may be displayed as a FQDN (for example, servername.database.windows.net). However, for this command, you only need the logical name without the .database.windows.net suffix.

  2. Run the following az sql db list command to list all databases on your Azure SQL logical server:

    az sql db list

    You get a large block of JSON as output.

  3. Because we want to get only the database names, run the command a second time. But this time, pipe the output to jq to display only the name fields.

    az sql db list | jq '[.[] | {name: .name}]'

    You should get this output:

        "name": "Logistics"
        "name": "master"

    Logistics is your database. Like SQL Server, the master system database includes server metadata, such as logins and system configuration settings.

  4. Run the following az sql db show command to get details about the Logistics database:

    az sql db show --name Logistics

    As before, you see a large block of JSON as output.

  5. Run the command a second time. This time pipe the output to jq to limit output to only the name, maximum size, and status of the Logistics database.

    az sql db show --name Logistics | jq '{name: .name, maxSizeBytes: .maxSizeBytes, status: .status}'

    You see that the database is online and the maximum amount data that the database can store.

      "name": "Logistics",
      "maxSizeBytes": 2147483648,
      "status": "Online"

Connect to your database

Now that you understand a bit about your database, let's connect to it using sqlcmd, create a table that holds information about transportation drivers, and perform a few basic CRUD operations.

Remember that CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These terms refer to operations you perform on table data, and are the four basic operations you need for your app. Now's a good time to verify you can perform each of them.

  1. Run the following az sql db show-connection-string command to get the connection string to the Logistics database in a format that sqlcmd can use:

    az sql db show-connection-string --client sqlcmd --name Logistics

    Your output resembles the following example. Copy this output for use in the next step.

    "sqlcmd -S tcp:<server-name>.database.windows.net,1433 -d Logistics -U <username> -P <password> -N -l 30"
  2. Run the sqlcmd statement from the output of the previous step to create an interactive session. Remove the surrounding quotes and replace <username> and <password> with the username and password you specified when you created your database. Here's an example:

    sqlcmd -S tcp:<server-name>.database.windows.net,1433 -d Logistics -U martina -P 'password1234$' -N -l 30


    Place your password in single quotes so that "&" and other special characters aren't interpreted as processing instructions.


    You might see an error message that is similar to the following example:

    Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server:
    Cannot open server 'contoso' requested by the login.
    Client with IP address 'nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn' is not allowed to access the server.
    To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule
    on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range.
    It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect.

    If this error occurs, you need to add another firewall rule for your client. To do so, perform the following steps:

    • Sign into the Azure portal.

    • From the Azure Home page, under Azure services, select All resources. The All resources pane appears.

    • Search for and select your database. The Logistics pane for your SQL database appears.

    • On the top menu bar, select Set server firewall. The Networking pane appears.

    • In the Firewall rules section, select Add a firewall rule. The Add a firewall rule pane appears.

    • Specify a unique Rule name, and then enter your IP address from the error message for both the Start IP and End IP fields. Select OK.

    • Select Save.

    • Run the sqlcmd statement again to launch your interactive sqlcmd session. It should look something like the following example:

    sqlcmd -S tcp:<server-name>.database.windows.net,1433 -d Logistics -U martina -P 'password1234$' -N -l 30

    Now that you've launched your sqlcmd session, the remaining commands use the language Transact-SQL, or T-SQL.


    When running the T-SQL commands in this module, the GO on the second line may not copy through to the sqlcmd prompt. After you enter the first line of the command, you may need to type in the GO command. The T-SQL command won't execute without it, so make sure to run the GO command.

  3. From your sqlcmd session, run the following T-SQL statements to create a table named Drivers:

    CREATE TABLE Drivers (DriverID int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), OriginCity varchar(255));

    The table contains four columns: a unique identifier, the driver's last and first name, and the driver's city of origin.

  4. Run the following T-SQL statements to verify that the Drivers table exists:

    SELECT name FROM sys.tables;

    You should get this output:

    (1 rows affected)
  5. To test the create operation, run the following T-SQL statements to add a sample row to the table:

    INSERT INTO Drivers (DriverID, LastName, FirstName, OriginCity) VALUES (123, 'Zirne', 'Laura', 'Springfield');

    This output indicates the operation succeeded:

    (1 rows affected)
  6. To test the read operation, run the following T-SQL statements to list the DriverID and OriginCity columns from all rows in the table:

    SELECT DriverID, OriginCity FROM Drivers;

    You get one result with the DriverID and OriginCity for the row you created in the previous step.

    DriverID    OriginCity
    ----------- --------------------------
            123 Springfield
    (1 rows affected)
  7. To test the update operation, run the following T-SQL statements to change the city of origin from "Springfield" to "Boston" for the driver with a DriverID of 123:

    UPDATE Drivers SET OriginCity='Boston' WHERE DriverID=123;
  8. Run the following T-SQL statements to list the DriverID and OriginCity columns again:

    SELECT DriverID, OriginCity FROM Drivers;

    You should now get the following output. Notice how the OriginCity reflects the update to Boston.

    DriverID    OriginCity
    ----------- --------------------------
            123 Boston
    (1 rows affected)
  9. Finally, test the delete operation by running the following T-SQL statements to delete the record:

    DELETE FROM Drivers WHERE DriverID=123;
    (1 rows affected)
  10. Run the following T-SQL statements to verify the Drivers table is empty:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Drivers;

    You see that the table contains no rows.

    (1 rows affected)

Now that you have a general idea for working with Azure SQL Database from Cloud Shell, you can get the connection string for your favorite SQL management tool, whether that's from SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, or something else.

Cloud Shell makes it easy to access and work with your Azure resources. Because Cloud Shell is browser-based, you can access it from Windows, macOS, or Linux; essentially any system with a web browser.

You gained some hands-on experience running Azure CLI commands to get information about your Azure SQL database. As a bonus, you practiced your T-SQL skills.

In the next unit, we wrap up this module and describe how to tear down your database.