Publish reusable Bicep code by using Azure Pipelines

DevOps Engineer
Azure Resource Manager
Azure DevOps

Publish Azure template specs and Bicep modules by using a deployment pipeline. Automatically validate and add versioning to your reusable Bicep code.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Publish Bicep modules to a private registry from a deployment pipeline
  • Publish Bicep files to a template spec from a deployment pipeline
  • Automatically add version numbers to your modules and template specs


You should be familiar with using:

  • Bicep modules and module registries.
  • Azure template specs.
  • The Bicep linter, along with testing your Bicep code.
  • Azure, including the Azure portal, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources.
  • Basic Git commands, including cloning, committing files, and pushing changes to Azure Repos.
  • Azure Pipelines, including stages, jobs, steps, and service connections.

To work through the exercises in the module, you'll need:

  • An Azure account that has the ability to create resource groups, Microsoft Entra applications, and service principals.
  • An Azure DevOps organization and account.
  • Microsoft-hosted parallelism enabled in your Azure DevOps organization. Azure DevOps Parallelism Request Form.

The parallelism request can take a few days. You won't be able to complete the first exercise in this module until the request is processed.

You'll also need the following items installed locally: