Data migration scenario – Continuous number sequence


For a data migration scenario, a customer must import four million open transactions. They use Data Management Framework (DMF) and CustInvoiceJournalLineEntity, which supports parallel imports. Additionally, the customer splits the file into multiple files and then starts multiple parallel imports through DMF. However, the import isn’t performing. The customer opens a support ticket with Microsoft to review the infrastructure, but results show that the infrastructure isn’t the bottleneck.

Pattern - Avoid continuous number sequences

To avoid continuous number sequences, you should review them and then make sure that no continuous number sequence is used as part of the data migration process.

In this specific example, analysis shows that a continuous number sequence is used to generate a voucher number during data migration. Continuous voucher numbers are mandated by country regulations.

The solution for this scenario includes the following steps:

  1. Include the voucher number as part of the import dataset.
  2. Set the number sequence temporarily to Manual (Manual: Yes).
  3. Complete the data migration.
  4. After successful completion and validation, set the number sequence back to continuous (Manual: No, Continuous: Yes).

For more information, see Set up number sequences on an individual basis.


To avoid continuous number sequences, don’t use continuous number sequences during high-volume data migration scenarios.