

Image that shows Over the Moon title art.

In the new movie Over the Moon, Fei Fei exhibits resourcefulness and creativity as she seeks to help her father remember the story of Chang'e with its message of everlasting true love. In the film, Fei Fei uses her STEM skills, determination, and passion to fly to the Moon. The love of her friends helps her to get home.

Fei Fei didn't jump into artificial intelligence (AI) during her journey to the Moon. Her dedication was inspired by wanting to help people, in particular, her family. As she struggles to make sense of love, life, and the legends she heard as a child, she creates a way to address her problems head on, with the help of her buddy Bungee, of course.

Image that shows Fei Fei and Bungee after a hard day's work building the rocket.

In this module, you will choose an animal, which could be your pet. You will train a Custom Vision AI to be able to identify your pet in an image. And you will do these tasks without needing to know how to code!

Remember, while you can use technical skills to build almost anything, the ultimate goal should always be to help people. Designing technology to help people is something Microsoft is passionate about, especially when it applies to AI. We focus on AI for Good. We want to encourage you to start your AI journey by always thinking about how you can help improve our world.


This module is part of a multimodal learning experience. Follow along with a video walkthrough of the module in a new tab.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Create a good dataset of images for training AI.
  • Train a Custom Vision AI model on a particular animal.
  • Test the model you trained.
  • Ensure ethical practices throughout AI development.

