

You work as a database engineer supporting cloud-based databases in Azure. Your organization recently deployed Azure Database for PostgreSQL and you need to understand concurrency and locking in Azure Database for PostgreSQL to best support your users and developers.

Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a multi-user relational database solution. The ability to support many concurrent users enables PostgreSQL databases to scale out and enable applications that support many users and locations at the same time. The increase in users brings a risk of conflicts, therefore it's important to understand the concurrency systems that are in place in Azure Database for PostgreSQL to manage concurrency and conflicts.

In this module, we look at both isolation levels and locking in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Describe Multi-Version Content Control and snapshots in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
  • Describe isolation levels in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
  • Describe locking in Azure Database for PostgreSQL.


  • Demonstrate an understanding of relational databases.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic SQL.