

In this module you learned how to use early adopters to create an adoption committee, launch Viva Connections, and help your organization scale adoption broadly. This module presented strategies for managing change in your organization and how to reach specific employee groups to make sure everyone gets the benefits of Viva Connections. Lastly, we covered different metrics you can use to evaluate the success of Viva Connections in your organization.

Key takeaways:

  • Use corporate sponsors, early adopters, and product-testers: Form an adoption committee that can be consulted on how to reach each role and region within the organization to maximize Viva Connection’s reach and impact.

  • Test and refine the experience: Before launching with the entire organization, ensure key workflows, links, buttons, and other details are working properly.

  • Announce the availability of Viva Connections: Plan to use many communication channels to reach specific audiences and to provide flexible support structures and training opportunities.

  • Help your organization manage change: Work with departments within your organization who can help develop training materials and communication targeted at specific roles.  

  • Monitor metrics and feedback from users: Determine the overall effectiveness of Viva Connections and the next steps that can be taken to keep providing more value and engaging employee experiences.