What are the basics of how Viva Glint emphasizes confidentiality?


A photograph showing a group of diverse people in meeting.

When employees feel comfortable providing candid and honest feedback, it creates a positive survey experience for everyone and serves to drive better quality data and optimizes response rates. Instill confidence by reminding your employees that survey feedback is confidential and aggregated.

Viva Glint programs are “confidential,” not “anonymous”

“Confidential” and “anonymous” are sometimes used interchangeably, but in the realm of employee engagement, their meanings are not the same, and understanding the difference is important for effective communication to your organization and other stakeholders, such as Works Councils.

  • When used with surveys, the word “confidential” means that survey results are aggregated, and, in general, the identity of the survey respondent is not disclosed.
  • “Anonymous” surveys indicate there is no way to definitively link data back to a specific individual. Anonymous survey responses have no personal data associated with it, other than specific demographic questions that may be asked during the survey itself.

So, why aren’t Viva Glint surveys anonymous? Viva Glint surveys are not anonymous so that accurate demographic analysis can be provided. Survey results can also be aggregated across multiple surveys and programs to provide organizations with cross-program insights, accurately tracking trends. If the survey results were anonymous, analytical capability would be severely limited.

Understanding your confidentiality thresholds

Another key concept of confidentiality is the threshold that is set per survey program. Viva Glint recommends the following confidentiality thresholds:

  • To report numerical scores, at least 5 survey respondents are required
  • To report response rates, at least 5 employees must have received the survey
  • To report comments and open-ended feedback, at least 10 people must have responded to the question

When configured according to these recommendations, managers with less than five respondents are considered to have an insufficient amount of data and their team’s results will not display within their reports. They can instead roll up into their manager’s results reporting and discuss those themes to their own smaller teams. This feature is referred to as Broader Team Insights and can be turned on in the Program Setup page of Program Summary. It is highly recommended to be enabled for all managers.

Learn about the Broader Team Insights feature for managers of small teams or managers with an insufficient amount of data.


The confidentiality threshold impacts how many managers can view their team results. For this reason, changing the threshold is not recommended.