

A photograph of woman smiling.

Congratulations! You completed the Prepare for a successful results rollout module.

This module described key elements to understanding your live survey results as well as how to grant access to results.

You should now be able to:

  • Explain how trend and confidentiality impact results
  • Grant access to results

Key Takeaways:

  • Viva Glint utilize the trend model “Data follows the manager.”
  • There are cases in which results may be hidden due to suppressed and/or insufficient results.
  • User roles are needed to ensure the appropriate users have access to the results at the desired times.
  • Utilize Live or Phased Access to control when users have access to results.

This is the final module of the Design and Setup your Viva Glint program learning path.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this course. We'd love to hear what you thought! Take this survey to leave your feedback.

Be sure to check out our Learning Paths & Modules page to see training recommendations based on your role within Viva Glint.