Transfer orders


You can use transfer orders to transfer items or products between distant warehouses or sites where items are in transit for some time. In this scenario, you're also required to track the items' shipment and receipt with a documents cycle.

Go to the inbound and outbound menus of the Inventory management module to access transfer orders.

To process a transfer order, you're required to link a warehouse of Type transit to the Shipping warehouse (the From warehouse).

The transfer order process consists of the following steps:

  1. Create transfer orders. This step is part of outbound processes.

  2. Reserve items in the transfer orders.

  3. Create loads for the transfer orders.

  4. Release the transfer orders to the warehouses that are associated with each order.

  5. Pick items for each transfer order.

  6. Receive the transfer order on the destination. This step is part of inbound processes.

You can process transfer orders by using basic inventory management or by using advanced warehouse management systems (WMS mobile devices).

Configurations to process transfer orders

Transfer orders help you handle items that are in transit between warehouses that are in the same company but in different geographical sites.

You can use the Transfer order page to manage items that are in transit. Items are unavailable for use when they're in transit because the system automatically registers them at a transit warehouse during the transfer period. You can ship and receive order lines or parts of order lines.

You can use transfer orders if only one warehouse that's involved in the process has warehouse management active in the system. The warehouse with active warehouse management can use the mobile device to process the order.

The following configurations are required for using the mobile device to process transfer orders:

  • Transit warehouse - The system automatically registers items in transit at the transit warehouse.

  • Menu items - Mobile device menu items are necessary for warehouse workers to use the mobile device to receive transfer orders.

  • Work templates - You can set up one or more work templates to specify how to create the work to pick and receive inventory for transfer orders.

  • Location directives - Location directives, along with work templates, determine how and where to carry out work.

  • Wave templates - Help specify criteria that determines what work is generated for a warehouse when a wave is processed.

  • Process transfers - After this configuration is complete, you can process transfers.

Wave templates

You can use the same wave template that you use for sales orders for transfer orders. If a new wave template is required, make sure that you use the Edit query button to filter each wave template to the specific criteria that you want to use for the selected template.