Improve your reliability with modern operations practices

DevOps Engineer
Solution Architect
Technology Manager

The reliability of your systems, services and products has a direct impact on your success. Learn the modern operations principles and practices (and the Azure features that support them) that will help you achieve the level of reliability you need.



Modules in this learning path

The reliability of your systems, services, and products are crucial to your success and the success of your organization. Learn how to approach those challenges.

Monitoring is the foundational practice you must tackle before you can make any headway with reliability. Learn what (and what not) to monitor to improve it using the tools available on Azure.

Everyone has incidents, but the top performing organizations know how to respond to them effectively. Learn the fundamentals of efficient incident response and the Azure tools that make them possible.

Incidents will happen—there's no doubt about that. The key question is whether you will treat them as a learning opportunity to make your operations practice better or just as a loss of time, money, and reputation. Learn the practice and the Azure tools that can help level up your operations practice by learning from failure.

With the right deployment practices, we can catch many problems before they get to our production environment and cause an incident. In this module, we look at practices that can help us improve our reliability.

Success and the growth that comes with it can be just as much a challenge to your reliability as any other factor. Learn ways to plan for, handle, and estimate costs for your success while still retaining th reliability you need.