XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurement.DeviceAddresses Property


Gets the list of addresses to probe. The contents of the list can be changed using IVector interface methods.


This API is not available to all apps. Unless your developer account is specially provisioned by Microsoft, calls to these APIs will fail at runtime.

 property IVector<XboxLiveDeviceAddress ^> ^ DeviceAddresses { IVector<XboxLiveDeviceAddress ^> ^ get(); };
IVector<XboxLiveDeviceAddress> DeviceAddresses();
public IList<XboxLiveDeviceAddress> DeviceAddresses { get; }
var iVector = xboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurement.deviceAddresses;
Public ReadOnly Property DeviceAddresses As IList(Of XboxLiveDeviceAddress)

Property Value

The list of addresses to probe. The list can be modified using IVector interface methods.

Applies to