
Provides control over how the Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK computes virtual and relative virtual addresses for debug objects.


IDiaAddressMap : IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaAddressMap.

Method Description
IDiaAddressMap::get_addressMapEnabled Indicates whether an address map has been established for a particular session.
IDiaAddressMap::put_addressMapEnabled Specifies whether the address map should be used to translate symbol addresses.
IDiaAddressMap::get_relativeVirtualAddressEnabled Indicates whether the calculation and use of relative virtual addresses is enabled.
IDiaAddressMap::put_relativeVirtualAddressEnabled Allows the client to enable or disable the calculation of relative virtual addresses.
IDiaAddressMap::get_imageAlign Retrieves the current image alignment.
IDiaAddressMap::put_imageAlign Sets the image alignment.
IDiaAddressMap::set_imageHeaders Sets image headers to enable the translation of relative virtual addresses.
IDiaAddressMap::set_addressMap Provides an address map to support image layout translations.


The control provided by this interface is encapsulated in two sets of data you supply: image headers and address maps. Most clients use the IDiaDataSource::loadDataForExe method to find the proper debug information for an image and the method can typically discover all of the necessary headers and maps data itself. However some clients implement specialized processing and searching for data. Such clients use the methods of the IDiaAddressMap interface to provide the DIA SDK with the search results.

Notes for Callers

This interface is available from the DIA session object. The client calls the QueryInterface method on DIA session object interface, usually IDiaSession, to retrieve the IDiaAddressMap interface.


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia80.dll

See also