Administrator scenarios for Answers in Viva Engage

Administration of Answers requires either an Engage admin or Answers admin role.


The Microsoft 365 Global administrator can designate an Answers admin by adding a Knowledge manager in Microsoft Entra ID. Knowledge managers become Answers admins and have elevated permissions over end users. To better align the experiences of Topics management and Answers administration, you can assign the same users that manage Topics to manage Answers. For more information, see:


The following table shows the actions available to users and admins.


In the following table, plan refers to the Microsoft Viva Engage Knowledge Service plan.

Answers action User not assigned a plan User assigned a plan Community admin Engage admin Answers admin Global admin
Answer, upvote, and react to a question thread Questions they're mentioned in
Receive notifications in the Viva Engage Teams app Questions they're mentioned in
Ask a question
Create a suggested topic for Answers
Mark best answer ✓ (own posts) (in their community)
See global insights
Delete and close posts ✓ (own posts)
Update information panel
Feature topics
Remove topic from Answers
Approve suggested topics
Enable answers
Enable badges

Update information panel

Provide guidance using the information panel

The Answers admin or Engage admin can use the information panel to provide guidance to employees on how to use Answers within the organization. The information panel is only visible to administrators in its default state. After an admin saves and publishes the information panel, all other employees with access to Answers can see the information panel.

Admin view
Screenshot of the information panel with guidelines option.

End user view
Screenshot of how the information panel looks to end users.

Edit the information panel

  1. Select the edit icon from the top left corner of the information panel.
  2. Enter the content specific to your organization.
  3. Select Save and publish to allow all Answers users access to the information panel content.

Screenshot of the info panel editing options.

Reset the information panel

  1. Select the edit icon from the top left corner of the information panel.
  2. Select Reset from the bottom-left corner.

Screenshot showing the info panel reset option.

Manage topics in Answers

Feature topics in Answers

As an Answers admin, you can feature a topic or create a topic from the topic browse page. When you feature topics, you curate Topics to be promoted for use in Answers.


The Feature a topic button is only visible to the Answers admin.

Screenshot of the Discover more Topics interface in Viva Engage.

  1. When you start to type the topic you want to feature, existing Topics appear, and you can choose one to feature.

    Screenshot  of the editable summary for your topic in Viva Engage.

  2. After you select a topic to feature, you can edit the summary field that will be displayed as the short description of that topic in Answers. The summary helps people understand the topic and whether it’s the appropriate topic to attach to their questions.

    Screenshot of the editable summary for your topic in Viva Engage.


The title and summary of all Topics featured in Answers are visible to all licensed users who have access to Answers.

Review pending topics suggested by employees

To ensure that topics suggested by employees are relevant and appropriate, there's a review process for Answers admins to follow. Answers admins have a Needs Review tab on the topic browse page, which is only visible to them. The tab displays user-created or suggested topics. Any nonfeatured topic that's added to a question or created by the user appears on this tab for a knowledge manager to review. Select Review on a topic to check and edit the summary.

Screenshot of the topics that need review in Answers in Viva.

You have options to feature or ignore the topic, which removes it from the Review tab:

  • Ignore: When you ignore a topic, it remains visible with the questions that it's been used with. But it won't get featured, which makes topics more prominent in the publisher’s topic picker.
  • Feature: When topics are featured, they no longer appear in the Needs Review tab.

Screenshot of the interface for reviewing a topic in Answers in Viva.

Remove topics in Answers

To remove a topic in Answers, Answers admins (knowledge managers) follow these steps:

  1. Go to the browse topics page in Answers.

  2. Select the ellipsis button on a topic, which prompts you to remove the topic in Answers.

    Screenshot of the Remove a topic button that admins see in the topic browse page in Answers in Viva.

  3. When a topic is removed, it disappears from Answers and is no longer associated with any questions where it was previously used.

    Screenshot of the interface and confirmation screen to remove a topic in Answers in Viva.


After a topic is removed in Answers, you can still see the topic in the topic center. To remove the topic entirely, you must delete it directly in the topic center.

View Global Answers analytics

As an Answers admin, you can access Global Answers analytics:

  1. Select the analytics icon from the top navigation bar of Viva Engage.
  2. Go to the Global Answers analytics tab. The analytics dashboard provides an overview and relevant insights about knowledge sharing activity across Answers in Viva.

For more details about how to manage analytics in the Viva Engage admin center, see View and manage analytics in Viva Engage.

Screenshot of the Global Answers analytics dashboard in Viva Engage.

The following metrics are available for Global Answers analytics:

Metric Description
Total time saved for your organization Time the organization has saved based on question-and-answer usage
Total questions Number of questions asked by users
Question views Views across all questions
Total answers Number of answers provided by users
Total best answers Answers marked as best answer
Answer rate The ratio of questions that have answers to total questions
Best answer rate The ratio of questions with best answers to total questions
Median time to first answer The median time it takes for a question to receive its first answer
Median time to best answer The median time it takes for a question to receive its first best answer
Median questions asked per user The median number of questions asked by each user
Median questions viewed per user The median number of questions viewed by each user
Median answers per user The median number of answers provided by each user
Median best answers per user The median number of best answers provided by each user
Top questions across your organization A table of the top questions with the most views, votes, reactions, and answers across your org
User engagement distribution A distribution of all users split by active engagements (ask, answer, vote, reactions, comments) and passive engagements (question views)
Global time saved Time saved across the organization. Based on Viva Engage research, this total shows that each question-and-answer pair saves people an average of 15 minutes. As more people discover existing answers to their questions, the organization saves more time.


Analytics aren't live. They're updated every 24 hours.

See also

Answers in Viva: Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Key admin roles and permissions in Viva Engage

View and manage analytics in Viva Engage