Use the Viva Glint Response Rate report

The Microsoft Viva Glint Response Rate report provides a deep dive into survey response rate trends and comparisons across hierarchies and key demographics. The report is available to anyone with Program Access and is viewable by admins after the survey launches. The Response Rate report is accessible through the Reports tab on the Viva Glint dashboard.


Viva Glint’s global industry average response rate is 75% and was last updated June 2022.

Customize your report settings

In the Response Rate Historical Trend section, you can see the average response rate, the comparator, and any percentage change (if available). Comparator choices are:

  • Benchmark: Provides a comparison point for feedback based on survey data compiled from all Viva Glint customers. Helpful for admins and first-time survey results analysis
  • Company: Displays team scores in comparison to company-wide scores for the same questions. Helpful for users with more than one area of responsibility.
  • My Teams: Compares a manager’s team score to an overall score derived from a filter. This is the superset of access and is best used with custom access or managers with large organizations.
  • Average Question: Presents a single, overall score for all questions and respondents within your access. Helpful for users looking for some level of variance in their score.

Filter your report settings

Select the filter symbol at the top of the dashboard to expand the Filters panel. Select + Add Filters to select attributes available in either the People section or the Question Responses section. Select the X to hide the filter panel.

What is advanced filtering?

Advanced filtering enables you to see how one program impacts another. For example, you can review Engagement results filtered by those who had a good onboarding experience. filtering enables you to see how one program impacts another. For example, you can experience.

  1. Select Advanced.
  2. Select Yes, enable advanced filtering.
  3. Select the + symbol that has been added to the Filter panel. Choose the program from the dropdown menu.

Change the comparator to see how others are doing

Choose a different comparator if they're available to you.

  1. Select the Settings button.

  2. Use the down-facing arrow next to Comparison to select a different comparator.

  3. Select Done.


    Your company may have substituted custom terms for the Glint terminology explained above.

Add sections to your Response Rate report

The report is versatile and can encompass many different views.

  1. Select the More button.
  2. Select + Add Section.
  3. From the Add section window that opens, use the top menu bar to help you select sections within these categories: All, Scores, Comments, Demographic, and More.
  4. Hover over different sections. Those with data for this report will show a + symbol. Select the + symbol to add to your report. The slider window will close, and a new section will be added to your report.

Search feedback comments in the Response Rate report

Using the down-facing arrow in the More button, select Search Comments. A slider window with program comments will open. Use the vertical ellipses to quarantine comments, as necessary. Use the Export button to export comments as a PowerPoint, PDF, Images, or spreadsheet.

Export the Response Rate report

Admins can download, save, or share this report with managers eligible to receive survey results. Visibility into whether managers have sufficient data to view results allows admins to target groups with more specific and appropriate messaging in advance of survey results rollout.

The report can be exported as a PowerPoint, PDF, report to Images, or a spreadsheet.

Share the Response Rate report with managers

  1. Select Share from the Export dropdown menu.
  2. Name the report in the window that displays.
  3. Choose whether to use the latest data.
  4. Select Save.

Email managers without results

Customize the email template for small teams to explain to managers of small teams or teams who haven’t met confidentiality requirements to let them know what survey results they can see and share with their team.


Send this email to any manager who needs this information, one day post-survey close.