Preview, manage, and enable Viva Glint surveys and dashboards

After all the sections in Program Summary are set up, use the following guidance to approve, preview, edit, and launch your Microsoft Viva Glint program.

Approve a program

When each section of a survey is set up successfully, a blue checkmark displays to the right of the section name on the Program Summary page. These checkmarks indicate that the survey can be approved and enabled. Approving the program takes it out of draft state and displays scheduled survey cycles on the Upcoming and Live section of the page.

After a program is approved, all programs except for Employee Lifecycle and Always-On surveys must be enabled to go Live on the scheduled date. Surveys go into Live status at midnight on the day they're scheduled to go out, in your default time zone.


When Employee Lifecycle and Always-On surveys are updated, admins are prompted to re-approve them. This automatically re-enables the cycle. This helps admins ensure live surveys are always active.


To approve a program, change Approved to YES.


After it has been approved, a program must be enabled for the survey to go live.

Preview the survey

When your survey is approved, you can preview how the survey and email invites appear to end users.


  1. Select the vertical ellipses next to the cycle to be previewed.

  2. Select Preview.

  3. Select a user to generate a survey preview and email invite.

  4. To preview the survey invitation email, check Send a sample survey invite to.


    The user you select will not receive a preview survey invitation email. 


    Use the preview survey email to ensure your surveys are received by your employees and do not end up in a spam or junk folder. 

  5. Select Preview Questionnaire.

  6. Review the email content and then select Provide Feedback.


    Share the preview questionnaire with your team for approval.

  7. The introductory page of the program opens in a new tab, in the default language of the user you preview.

    When reviewing the introduction and summary for each item, ensure that:

    • Rating scale is as expected
    • Rating scale labels are written as expected (Strongly Disagree/Strongly Agree)
    • Comments are available
    • Items aren't skippable unless intended
    • Macros appear as values
    • More language options are available as expected

Preview the dashboard and reporting permissions

Admins can view how attributes and potential survey responses look in reporting before employees take a survey. This enables familiarization with Viva Glint’s dashboard, understanding of how the manager hierarchy and user attributes appear in different reporting scenarios, and allows you to conduct manager training.

To preview the dashboard and reporting: Preview data in reports.


Dashboard and report previews are only available for Recurring and Ad-doc survey types.

Edit a cycle schedule

After previewing your questionnaire, if you notice changes need to be made:

  1. Select the vertical ellipses next to the cycle to be previewed.
  2. Select Edit. Once a survey is live, the edit option isn't available.
  3. Make the necessary changes.

Manage a cycle schedule

To reschedule the survey:

  1. Select the vertical ellipses next to the cycle you want to edit.
  2. Select Manage Schedule.
  3. In the Reschedule Survey dialog box, make the necessary changes. If the survey is Live, the Schedule section is disabled.
  4. Select Save Changes.

Enable a program

Once enabled, surveys go live at midnight on the day they're scheduled to go out, in your company’s default time zone. Survey invitations are sent according to your delivery window set up on the Communications page.

  1. Select the vertical ellipses next to the cycle to be enabled.
  2. Select Enable Survey.
  3. The Status indicator changes to blue. If the survey is Live, the Status indicator shows green.

Once the program is enabled and live, the following changes can't be made:

  • Survey name can't be changed
  • Removing, adding, or editing items or text on a live survey
  • Adding or editing distribution lists on a live survey
  • Removing items from the dashboard
  • Removing comments
  • Reopening a closed survey

Verify a launch

Check your email and the email of at least one other survey recipient when your program is scheduled to be live. If your survey is missing, check to confirm that the dates are correct and that the survey was enabled.