Recommended rollout plan for Viva Glint feedback programs

Use the following tables to build a rollout plan for your Viva Glint programs.


The following plans assume a six-week launch, which may be longer than the timeline you anticipate. If your timeline is shorter, compress or thin the communications to align appropriately.

Pre-survey rollout plan

Timing before survey start Message to your organization Key activities Owner Communication template links
6 weeks prior
  • Establish program overview
  • Define roles and responsibilities
  • Review best practices and develop rollout plan with HR and communications team
  • Schedule company-level results reviews
  • Schedule business until results review
Project team, HR Prelaunch email templates
5 weeks prior
  • Vision and strategy planning
  • Inform about resources
  • Discuss importance of customizing program
  • Develop communications plan and messaging
  • Customize platform messages
  • Finalize rollout plan
  • Prepare Vision and Strategy materials
Project team Prelaunch email templates
4 weeks prior
  • Provide engagement program overview and relationship to business success using Viva Glint
  • Provide role expectations and timing, HR and manager resources, and training signups
  • Customize results rollout plan
  • Sign up for platform training
HR Exec, HRBPs HRBP prep email templates
3 weeks prior
  • Continue leadership communications and training signups
  • Refine plan to share company-wide results with execs
  • Support HRBPs for rollout planning
  • Finalize rollout planning
  • Prepare execs to champion Viva Glint program
HR Exec, Project team, HRBPs Leadership prep email templates
2 weeks prior
  • Send communications for HRBPs training
  • Reinforce role expectations and timing
  • Send communications for manager resources and training signup
  • Ensure platform trainings and resources are being used
  • If customer communications are being used, prepare to send and host them on the intranet
  • Distribute printer flyers, if using
Project team, HRBPs HRBP prep email templates
1 week prior
  • Emphasize manager communications
  • Encourage manager training signup
  • Prepare to report on response rates
Project team, HRBPs Prelaunch email templates
1 day prior
  • Final all-organization communication
  • Build excitement!
CEO/Senior Exec Prelaunch email templates

## Live survey window rollout plan
Survey timing Message to your organization Key activities Owner Communication template links
Live survey
  • Survey invite and reminders sent from platform
  • Identify themes
  • Ensure results review trainings complete
Project team, HRBPs Senior leadership participation email templates

Post-survey close rollout plan

Timing after survey closes Message to your organization Key activities Owner Communication template links
1 day after close
  • Company-wide thank you emails, response timing emails, and next steps information
  • Release results to leaders with phased access
  • Platform review
HRBPs Company-wide survey close email templates
1-2 days after close
  • Senior leader/managers results available communications
  • Next steps communications
  • Share results with execs
  • Discuss focus areas and begin to formulate feedback action plan
  • Review results in platform using guides and training
Project team, Senior leaders, HRBPs, managers Senior leader and manager email templates
3-4 days after close
  • Company-wide result communications
  • Encourage employee involvement in action planning and shared accountability
  • Finalize company-wide focus areas
  • Encourage opportunities for change
All level employees Company-wide email template
5-7 days after close
  • Manager communications
  • Share results with execs
  • Support company-wide action plan ownership with ideas, resources, and communication plans
  • Share best practices
  • Support manager on feedback sessions and communicating action plans
  • Role model best practices, discuss action plans and progress at staff meetings and maintain accountability
  • Use tools and resources to create action plans
  • Maintain supportive contact with managers
Project team, Senior leaders, HRBPs, Managers Manager results email templates
3-12 weeks after close
  • HRBP communications
  • Use tools and resources to take action
  • Update action progress in Viva Glint platform
  • Support company-wide initiatives
Project team, Managers HRBP email template
4-8 weeks after close
  • HRBP communications
  • Use tools and resources to take action
  • Update action progress in Viva Glint platform
  • Support company-wide initiatives
Project team, Managers HRBP email template
10 weeks after close
  • HRBP communications
  • Use tools and resources to take action
  • Update action progress in Viva Glint platform
  • Support company-wide initiatives
Project team, Managers HRBP email template