Audio Miniport Object Interfaces

This section describes the audio miniport object interfaces. These include the following:

  • IMiniport, which is the base type from which all other audio miniport object interfaces are derived

  • The audio miniport object provides an interface for the DMus, MIDI, Topology, WaveCyclic, WavePci and WaveRT miniport drivers (see Supporting a Device), which are derived from IMiniport

The audio miniport object interface is the primary interface that a miniport driver presents to a port driver. An adapter driver forms a KS filter for an audio device by binding together the port and miniport drivers for that device. The binding is accomplished by calling the audio port object's IPort::Init method and passing a reference to the audio miniport object as a call parameter. The code example in Subdevice Creation illustrates this process.

This section discusses the following audio miniport object interfaces:






