Overview of the Sensors technology.
To develop Sensors, you need these headers:
- math3dhelper.h
- sensorsclassextension.h
- sensorscx.h
- sensorscxfuncenum.h
- sensorsdef.h
- sensorsdriversutils.h
- sensorsstructures.h
- sensorsutils.h
For the programming guide, see Sensors.
CVEC3D Math library for a 3D vector. |
ACTIVITY_STATE This enumeration represents the activity states reported by the activity detection sensor. |
AXIS Defines 3D coordinates. |
MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY This enumeration represents the accuracy states of the magnetometer. |
MagnetometerAccuracy Specifies the accuracy of the magnetometer. |
PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE This enumeration represents the step types reported by the pedometer. |
PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT This enumeration represents the number of step types that can be detected by the pedometer. |
PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES The PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES enumeration values indicate the capabilities of a proximity sensor. |
SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES Defines the types of sensor device connections. |
SENSOR_STATE This enumeration represents the valid states of a sensor. |
SensorConnectionType The SensorConnectionType enumeration type defines values for the SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPE property. |
SENSORSCXFUNCENUM The _SENSORSCXFUNCENUM enumeration contains a list of all WDF API functions. |
SensorState The SensorState enumeration type specifies the current operational state of a sensor. |
~CVEC3D Destructor for the vector 3d class used in sensor drivers. |
CleanupFile The ISensorClassExtension::CleanupFile method notifies the class extension about a file handle that closes and cancels all pending I/O requests, for the specified application. |
CollectionsListAllocateBufferAndSerialize This routine allocates a buffer and then serializes a sensor collection list to it. |
CollectionsListCopyAndMarshall This routine copies and marshalls a collection list from source to target. |
CollectionsListDeserializeFromBuffer This routine deserializes a collection list from the input buffer. |
CollectionsListGetFillableCount Returns the number of elements a SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST buffer of a certain size can possibly hold. |
CollectionsListGetMarshalledSize Returns the size needed to accommodate serializing and marshaling a collection list, including embedded memory. |
CollectionsListGetMarshalledSizeWithoutSerialization Returns the size of the entire collection list, including size of memories blocks that are pointed by embedded pointers. |
CollectionsListGetSerializedSize This routine returns the larger of the two sizes to provide for sufficient buffer sizes to accommodate passing the collection list across processes that can have different bit-ness values. |
CollectionsListMarshall This routine is similar to CollectionsListCopyAndMarshall, except that it marshalls a collection list in-place. |
CollectionsListSerializeToBuffer This routine serializes a collection list to the caller-allocated buffer. |
CollectionsListSortSubscribedActivitiesByConfidence This routine rearranges activity data collection under certain conditions. |
CollectionsListUpdateMarshalledPointer This routine update embedded pointers. |
CVEC3D 3d vector class used in sensor driver development. |
CVEC3D 3d vector class used in sensor driver development, with 3d vector parameter. |
CVEC3D 3d vector class constructor used in sensor driver development, with float parameters. |
EvaluateActivityThresholds This routine determines whether the new incoming activity data meets the threshold. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_CANCEL_HISTORY_RETRIEVAL Cancels history retrieval from the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_CLEAR_SENSOR_HISTORY Clears the history recorded so far in the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_DISABLE_WAKE Callback to disable wake for the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_ENABLE_WAKE Callback to enable wake for the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_GET_DATA_FIELD_PROPERTIES This callback function returns the properties of a given data field associated with a sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_GET_DATA_INTERVAL This callback function returns the data interval for a specified sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_GET_DATA_THRESHOLDS This callback function returns the thresholds that are associated with a sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_GET_PROPERTIES This callback function returns the properties for a given sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_GET_SUPPORTED_DATA_FIELDS This callback function returns a list of data fields supported by the specified sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_SET_BATCH_LATENCY This callback function sets the batch latency for a specified sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_SET_DATA_INTERVAL This callback function sets the data interval for a specified sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_SET_DATA_THRESHOLDS This callback function sets the threshold for one or more data fields associated with a sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_START_HISTORY_RETRIEVAL Starts retrieving the history recorded so far in the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_START_SENSOR This callback function starts the sensor based on the default properties specified by the driver, or properties set by the class extension. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_START_SENSOR_HISTORY Starts recording history in the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_START_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION Used to start a state change notification. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_STOP_SENSOR This callback function stops the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_STOP_SENSOR_HISTORY Stops recording history in the sensor. |
EVT_SENSOR_DRIVER_STOP_STATE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION Used to stop a state change notification. |
FloatEq This function tests equality with FLOAT_TOLERANCE = 0.00001. |
GetMethodArgumentFromAcpi The GetMethodArgumentFromAcpi function reads the requested ACPI entry using the supplied method name. |
GetPerformanceTime This routine calculates system time in milliseconds. |
GetRotationMatrixFromAcpi The GetRotationMatrixFromAcpi function reads the rotation matrix from the ACPI entries. |
I2C_REQUEST_SIZE The I2C_REQUEST_SIZE macro defines the I2C request size. |
I2CSensorReadRegister The I2CSensorReadRegister function reads the devices register(s) over I2C. |
I2CSensorWriteRegister The I2CSensorWriteRegister function writes to the device register(s) over I2C. |
Initialize The ISensorClassExtension::Initialize method initializes the sensor class extension object. |
InitPropVariantFromCLSIDArray This routine initializes a PROPVARIANT from a given array of GUIDs. |
InitPropVariantFromFloat This routine initializes a PROPVARIANT with the given float. |
InitTransformationMatrix The InitTransformationMatrix function reads the rotation matrix from the ACPI entries. |
IsCollectionListSame This routine compares two collection lists to see if they are the same. |
IsGUIDPresentInList This routine looks for a GUID in a list of GUIDs. |
IsKeyPresentInCollectionList This routine determine if a key is present in a collection list. |
IsKeyPresentInPropertyList This routine determine if a key is present in a property list. |
IsSensorSubscribed For internal use only. |
MILLISECONDS_FROM_100NANOSECONDS This macro converts time, provided as 100 nanosecond units, to milliseconds. |
MILLISECONDS_TO_100NANOSECONDS This macro converts time, in milliseconds, to 100 nanosecond units. |
OnClientConnect The ISensorDriver::OnClientConnect method notifies the sensor driver that a client application has connected. |
OnClientDisconnect The ISensorDriver::OnClientDisconnect method notifies the sensor driver that a client application has disconnected. |
OnClientSubscribeToEvents The ISensorDriver::OnClientSubscribeToEvents method notifies the sensor driver that an authorized client application is requesting event notifications. |
OnClientUnsubscribeFromEvents The ISensorDriver::OnClientUnsubscribeFromEvents method notifies the sensor driver that a client application no longer requests event notifications. |
OnGetDataFields The ISensorDriver::OnGetDataFields method retrieves current sensor data. |
OnGetProperties The ISensorDriver::OnGetProperties method retrieves values for the specified properties from the specified sensor. |
OnGetSupportedDataFields The ISensorDriver::OnGetSupportedDataFields method retrieves the list of data fields that the specified sensor can provide. |
OnGetSupportedEvents The ISensorDriver::OnGetSupportedEvents method retrieves the list of events that the specified sensor can raise. |
OnGetSupportedProperties The ISensorDriver::OnGetSupportedProperties method retrieves the list of properties that the specified sensor provides. |
OnGetSupportedSensorObjects The ISensorDriver::OnGetSupportedSensorObjects method retrieves the list of sensors that the driver provides. |
OnProcessWpdMessage The ISensorDriver::OnProcessWpdMessage method handles Windows Portable Device (WPD) commands that the ISensorClassExtension::ProcessIoControl method does not handle internally. |
OnSetProperties The ISensorDriver::OnSetProperties method specifies values for the specified list of properties. |
operator+= Assignment operator +. |
operator-= Assignment operator -. |
ParseRotationMatrixEntry The ParseRotationMatrixEntry function parses a string of three floats. |
PFN_SENSORSCXDEVICEGETSENSORLIST Returns a list of sensor instances associated with a WDFDEVICE. |
PFN_SENSORSCXDEVICEINITCONFIG Configures the sensor device. |
PFN_SENSORSCXDEVICEINITIALIZE Initializes the sensor in the class extension. |
PFN_SENSORSCXSENSORCREATE Creates an instance of a sensor in the class extension. |
PFN_SENSORSCXSENSORDATAREADY Notifies the class extension that the driver has retrieved data. |
PFN_SENSORSCXSENSORHISTORYRETRIEVALCOMPLETED Indicates that the history retrieval has completed. |
PFN_SENSORSCXSENSORINITIALIZE Sets the enumeration properties of a sensor. |
PFN_SENSORSCXSTATECHANGE Used to initialize a sensor state change. |
PostEvent The ISensorClassExtension::PostEvent method raises one or more driver events in the sensor class extension. |
PostStateChange The ISensorClassExtension::PostStateChange method notifies the sensor class extension about a change in the operational state of the sensor. |
ProcessIoControl The ISensorClassExtension::ProcessControl method sends Windows Portable Devices (WPD) I/O control requests to the sensor class extension for processing. |
PropertiesListCopy This routine copies a properties list from source to target. |
PropertiesListGetFillableCount Returns the number of elements a properties list buffer of a certain size can possibly hold. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetBool This routine gets a BOOL value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetDouble This routine gets a double precision floating point value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetFileTime This routine gets a FILETIME value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetFloat This routine gets a single precision floating point value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetGuid This routine gets a GUID value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetInt32 This routine gets an INT32 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetInt64 This routine gets an INT64 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthInt64 This routine gets the nth INT64 value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthUlong This routine gets the nth ULONG value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetNthUshort This routine gets the nth USHORT value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetPropVariant This routine finds the PROPVARIANT from a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetUlong This routine gets a ULONG value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeyGetUshort This routine gets a USHORT value from a PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropKeyFindKeySetPropVariant This routine finds and sets the PROPVARIANT within a collection list based on the PROPERTYKEY. |
PropVariantGetInformation This routine gets offset, size, location pointer and DEVPROPTYPE, of a PROPVARIANT. |
RealModulo Calculates the modular value between x and y. |
SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST_CALCULATE_MAX_COUNT This function calculates the number of SENSOR_VALUE_PAIR elements in a SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST structure. |
SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST_INIT This function initializes a SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST structure. |
SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST_SIZE This function returns the size of a SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST structure. |
SENSOR_CONFIG_INIT This function initializes a SENSOR_CONFIG structure. |
SENSOR_PROPERTY_LIST_CALCULATE_MAX_COUNT This function calculates the number of PROPERTYKEY elements. |
SENSOR_PROPERTY_LIST_INIT This function initializes a SENSOR_PROPERTY_LIST structure. |
SENSOR_PROPERTY_LIST_SIZE This function returns the size of the property list. |
SensorCollectionGetAt This routine returns the PROPERTYKEY and PROPVARIANT associated with the nth element in the provided sensor collection list. |
SensorsCxDeviceGetSensorList This function returns a list of sensor instances associated with a WDFDEVICE. |
SensorsCxDeviceInitConfig This function configures the sensor device. |
SensorsCxDeviceInitialize This function initializes the sensor in the class extension. |
SensorsCxSensorCreate This function creates an instance of a sensor in the class extension. |
SensorsCxSensorDataReady This function notifies the class extension that the driver has retrieved data. |
SensorsCxSensorHistoryRetrievalCompleted The SensorsCxSensorHistoryRetrievalCompleted function indicates that the history retrieval has completed. |
SensorsCxSensorInitialize This function sets the enumeration properties of a sensor. |
SensorsCxStateChange Used to initialize a state change. |
SerializationBufferAllocate Exported memory allocation function for allocating a serialized buffer. |
SerializationBufferFree Exported memory allocation function for freeing a serialization buffer. |
TranslateAxes The TranslateAxes function applies the rotation matrix to the given sample. |
Uninitialize The ISensorClassExtension::Uninitialize method uninitializes the sensor class extension object. |
ISensorClassExtension The ISensorClassExtension interface provides methods that the sensor driver uses to communicate with the sensor platform (and, therefore, client applications) through the sensor class extension object. |
ISensorDriver The ISensorDriver interface provides callback methods that the sensor class extension uses to provide requests and notifications to the sensor driver. |
I2C_REQUEST An I2C request. |
MATRIX3X3 Defines a 3x3 matrix. |
QUATERNION A structure that represents a 4-dimensional vector used for simple 3D rotation operation. |
SENSOR_COLLECTION_LIST This structure contains a list of all SENSOR_VALUE_PAIR structures for each sensor. This structure is returned by calling ReadFile. |
SENSOR_CONFIG This structure contains information that the sensor driver passes to the class extension about each sensor. |
SENSOR_CONTROLLER_CONFIG This structure contains pointers to callback functions that must be implemented by the driver, and passed on to the class extension to call. |
SENSOR_PROPERTY_LIST Learn how this structure contains a list of all SENSOR_VALUE_PAIR structures for each sensor. This structure is returned by calling ReadFile. |
SENSOR_VALUE_PAIR This structure pairs the property keys listed in the Sensor properties section with the data that each key represents. |
VEC3D Defines a 3D vector. |