D3D12DDICAPS_HARDWARE_SCHEDULING_CAPS_0050 structure (d3d12umddi.h)

Determines how the runtime will manage associations of 3D and compute queues to scheduling groups.

The runtime will manage associations of 3D and compute queues to scheduling groups, on a first-come-first-serve basis.


  UINT ComputeQueuesPer3DQueue;



The number of compute API-level command queues that should be associated with a scheduling group.


The runtime will only assign one 3D command queue per node per scheduling group. If the driver reports a cap value of 0, the runtime will not attempt to create scheduling groups, and all contexts will continue to be owned by command queues directly.

Otherwise, the runtime will maintain a device-local set of scheduling groups. Every time a 3D/compute command queue is created, the runtime will runtime the following logic:

  1. If an existing scheduling group has a slot for the particular type of command queue being created, fill that slot. Existing scheduling groups are searched in the order they were created.
  2. Otherwise, create a new scheduling group to assign the new command queue to.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 1809
Header d3d12umddi.h