D3DKMDT_SHADOWSURFACEDATA structure (d3dkmdt.h)

The D3DKMDT_SHADOWSURFACEDATA structure describes a lockable shadow surface, which matches the primary surface in format and resolution for a given display mode.


  [in]  UINT         Width;
  [in]  UINT         Height;
  [in]  D3DDDIFORMAT Format;
  [out] UINT         Pitch;


[in] Width

The width of the surface, in pixels. The driver returns the width value.

[in] Height

The height of the surface, in pixels. The driver returns the height value.

[in] Format

A D3DDDIFORMAT-typed value that indicates the pixel format of the surface. The driver returns the format value.

[out] Pitch

The width of the surface, in bytes. The driver must return the pitch value because the shadow surface is lockable.


The D3DKMDT_SHADOWSURFACEDATA structure is passed by the Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem in a call to the display miniport driver's DxgkDdiGetStandardAllocationDriverData function to generate a description of a lockable shadow surface. The DirectX graphics kernel subsystem uses the description in a call to the display miniport driver's DxgkDdiCreateAllocation function to create the lockable shadow surface.

The CPU draws into the locked shadow surface, unlocks the shadow surface, and then issues bit-block transfer (bitblt) requests through the DxgkDdiPresent function from the shadow surface to the matched shared primary surface. Bit-block transfer requests are also issued to transfer data from a shared primary surface into the shadow surface.

A color conversion, stretch, or shrink operation is not required when copying data from or to a shadow surface because the source and destination formats and dimensions of shadow and shared primary surfaces always match.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmdt.h

See also





