D3DKMTRegisterVailProcess function (d3dkmthk.h)

The D3DKMTRegisterVailProcess function registers the current process as one that can share GPU allocations between a guest virtual machine (VM) and the host.


NTSTATUS D3DKMTRegisterVailProcess(
  GUID *unnamedParam1



[in] VirtualMachineGuid, which is a pointer to the GUID associated with a running VM. The VM must have at least one virtual GPU assigned.

Return value

D3DKMTRegisterVailProcess returns an NTSTATUS code such as one of the following values:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS Process registration was successful.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED The process does not have enough privileges to call this API. Note that other status codes could be returned in this case.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER The value passed in VirtualMachineGuid is not valid.
STATUS_GRAPHICS_VAIL_STATE_CHANGED The VM does not have a virtual GPU assigned.
STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION The process does not have graphics context created.
STATUS_NOT_FOUND A VM with the given GUID was not found.

Other status codes could be returned as well.


The calling process must have the same privileges as the Remote Desktop (RDP) client process that was created for the VM instance specified by the VirtualMachineGuid parameter.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 11, version 22H2
Target Platform Universal
Header d3dkmthk.h (include d3dkmthk.h)
Library gdi32.lib
DLL gdi32.dll