D3DKMT_CREATEDCFROMMEMORY structure (d3dkmthk.h)

The D3DKMT_CREATEDCFROMMEMORY structure describes parameters for creating the display context.


  void         D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID    *unnamedParam1,
    pMemory unnamedParam2
  [in]  D3DDDIFORMAT Format;
  [in]  UINT         Width;
  [in]  UINT         Height;
  [in]  UINT         Pitch;
  void         D3DKMT_PTR(
    HDC       unnamedParam1,
    hDeviceDc unnamedParam2
  void         D3DKMT_PTR(
    PALETTEENTRY *unnamedParam1,
    pColorTable  unnamedParam2
  void         D3DKMT_PTR(
    HDC unnamedParam1,
    hDc unnamedParam2
  void         D3DKMT_PTR(
    HANDLE  unnamedParam1,
    hBitmap unnamedParam2


void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, pMemory unnamedParam2)

[in] Format

A D3DDDIFORMAT-typed value that indicates the pixel format for the memory block that pMemory points to.

[in] Width

The width, in pixels, of the memory block that pMemory points to.

[in] Height

The height, in pixels, of the memory block that pMemory points to.

[in] Pitch

The pitch, in bytes, of the memory block that pMemory points to--that is, the distance in bytes to the start of the next line.

void D3DKMT_PTR( HDC unnamedParam1, hDeviceDc unnamedParam2)

void D3DKMT_PTR( PALETTEENTRY *unnamedParam1, pColorTable unnamedParam2)

void D3DKMT_PTR( HDC unnamedParam1, hDc unnamedParam2)

void D3DKMT_PTR( HANDLE unnamedParam1, hBitmap unnamedParam2)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also

