Describes information that is required to open a shared resource from an NT handle to the process. The shared resource can be a set of allocations, a keyed mutex, or a synchronization object.


  [in]  D3DKMT_HANDLE hDevice;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    HANDLE    unnamedParam1,
    hNtHandle unnamedParam2
  [in]  UINT          NumAllocations;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    pOpenAllocationInfo2       unnamedParam2
  [in]  UINT          PrivateRuntimeDataSize;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID                *unnamedParam1,
    pPrivateRuntimeData unnamedParam2
  [in]  UINT          ResourcePrivateDriverDataSize;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID                       *unnamedParam1,
    pResourcePrivateDriverData unnamedParam2
  [in]  UINT          TotalPrivateDriverDataBufferSize;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID                          *unnamedParam1,
    pTotalPrivateDriverDataBuffer unnamedParam2
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE hResource;
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE hKeyedMutex;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID                          *unnamedParam1,
    pKeyedMutexPrivateRuntimeData unnamedParam2
  [in]  UINT          KeyedMutexPrivateRuntimeDataSize;
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE hSyncObject;


[in] hDevice

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents the device.

void D3DKMT_PTR( HANDLE unnamedParam1, hNtHandle unnamedParam2)

[in] NumAllocations

The number of allocations associated with the resource.

void D3DKMT_PTR( D3DDDI_OPENALLOCATIONINFO2 *unnamedParam1, pOpenAllocationInfo2 unnamedParam2)

[in] PrivateRuntimeDataSize

The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pPrivateRuntimeData member.

void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, pPrivateRuntimeData unnamedParam2)

[in] ResourcePrivateDriverDataSize

The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pResourcePrivateDriverData member.

void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, pResourcePrivateDriverData unnamedParam2)

[in] TotalPrivateDriverDataBufferSize

The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pTotalPrivateDriverDataBuffer member.

[out] The size, in bytes, of the data written to pTotalPrivateDriverDataBuffer.

void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, pTotalPrivateDriverDataBuffer unnamedParam2)

[out] hResource

A handle to the resource in this process.

[out] hKeyedMutex

A handle to the keyed mutex in this process.

void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, pKeyedMutexPrivateRuntimeData unnamedParam2)

[in] KeyedMutexPrivateRuntimeDataSize

The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pKeyedMutexPrivateRuntimeData member.

[out] hSyncObject

A handle to the synchronization object in this process.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also


