D3DKMT_OPENSYNCOBJECTFROMNTHANDLE2 is used with D3DKMTOpenSyncObjectFromNtHandle2 to open a monitored fence object.


  void                               D3DKMT_PTR(
    HANDLE    unnamedParam1,
    hNtHandle unnamedParam2
  [in]  D3DKMT_HANDLE                      hDevice;
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE                      hSyncObject;
  union {
    struct {
      void                                  D3DKMT_PTR(
    VOID                        *unnamedParam1,
    FenceValueCPUVirtualAddress unnamedParam2
      D3DKMT_ALIGN64 D3DGPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS FenceValueGPUVirtualAddress;
      UINT                                  EngineAffinity;
    } MonitoredFence;
          D3DKMT_ALIGN64 UINT64 Reserved[8];


void D3DKMT_PTR( HANDLE unnamedParam1, hNtHandle unnamedParam2)

[in] hDevice

Device handle to use this sync object on.

[in] Flags

Specifies the desired sync object behavior for this device, such as wait and signal semantics and TDR handling.

[out] hSyncObject

Handle to the sync object that can be used in this process.


Contains sync object virtual addresses that can be used in this process.

void D3DKMT_PTR( VOID *unnamedParam1, FenceValueCPUVirtualAddress unnamedParam2)

[out] MonitoredFence.FenceValueGPUVirtualAddress

A read-write mapping of the fence value for the GPU. A driver can signal a new fence value by inserting a GPU write command for this address into a command buffer, and the DirectX graphics kernel will unblock waiters for this fence object value. This GPU virtual address is mapped asynchronously, and the driver should wait for the device that opened or created the monitored fence synchronization object to reach PagingFenceValue on its paging fence object prior to accessing this GPU virtual address. Depending on the value of No64BitAtomics cap, this address points to either a 32 bit or a 64 bit underlying value.

[in] MonitoredFence.EngineAffinity

A bit field, where each bit position (starting from zero) defines a physical adapter index in a linked display adapter link where the GPU virtual address will be committed. Zero means that GPU virtual address will be committed to all physical adapters.


The consolidated value of the MonitoredFence structure.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also
