The D3DKMT_SETALLOCATIONPRIORITY structure describes the priority level to set a resource or list of allocations to.


  [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE hDevice;
  [in] D3DKMT_HANDLE hResource;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    const D3DKMT_HANDLE *unnamedParam1,
    phAllocationList    unnamedParam2
  [in] UINT          AllocationCount;
  void          D3DKMT_PTR(
    const UINT  *unnamedParam1,
    pPriorities unnamedParam2


[in] hDevice

A D3DKMT_HANDLE data type that represents a kernel-mode handle to the device that the resource or list of allocations are associated with.

[in] hResource

A handle to a resource whose priority must be set. If the OpenGL ICD uses the array that phAllocationList specifies to set the priority for the list of allocations, it sets hResource to NULL. If the OpenGL ICD sets hResource to a non-NULL value, it must set the AllocationCount member to zero and phAllocationList to NULL.

If hResource is non-NULL, all of the allocations that belong to the resource are set to the priority that is specified by the first element in the array that pPriorities points to.

void D3DKMT_PTR( const D3DKMT_HANDLE *unnamedParam1, phAllocationList unnamedParam2)

[in] AllocationCount

The number of allocations in the array that phAllocationList specifies. If the OpenGL ICD sets the handle in the hResource member to a non-NULL value, it must set AllocationCount to zero.

void D3DKMT_PTR( const UINT *unnamedParam1, pPriorities unnamedParam2)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also
