DXGKDDI_PROTECTED_CALLBACK callback function (dispmprt.h)

The DxgkProtectedCallback callback routine is implemented by the display miniport driver and is called by DxgkCbExcludeAdapterAccess during a protected state when all access to the display adapter is prevented.



void DxgkddiProtectedCallback(
  [in] IN_CONST_PVOID MiniportDeviceContext,
  [in] PVOID ProtectedCallbackContext,
  [in] NTSTATUS ProtectionStatus


[in] MiniportDeviceContext

A handle to a context block associated with a display adapter. The display miniport driver's DxgkDdiAddDevice function previously provided this handle to the DirectX graphics kernel subsystem.

[in] ProtectedCallbackContext

A pointer to driver-defined information that was specified in a previous call to DxgkCbExcludeAdapterAccess.

[in] ProtectionStatus

Status of the display adapter's protected state. If STATUS_SUCCESS, the adapter was successfully protected from access. A failure status code indicates that the adapter is not protected.

Return value



DxgkProtectedCallback must be called only when all access to the display adapter has been halted, as indicated by the status parameter ProtectionStatus.

The driver must ensure that following conditions are met during the callback routine:

  • All interrupts on the device are disabled, and any remaining pending interrupts are handled, including any DPCs that may have been queued on any CPU but not yet serviced.
  • All write-combined memory and any other cache-related states have been flushed.
  • Any ACPI or BIOS/SMI events that occur do not access the hardware.
  • Coherency is achieved between all adapters in a linked-adapter state configuration.
  • The adapter, including its registers and display mode, is maintained in the proper state to handle the DMA buffer that occurs on the return from the DxgkProtectedCallback routine. The driver should not change the visible state or capabilities of any application.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Target Platform Desktop
Header dispmprt.h (include Dispmprt.h)

See also
