FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey0 function (fwpmk.h)

The FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey0 function sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a provider context object.


NTSTATUS FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey0(
  [in]           HANDLE               engineHandle,
  [in, optional] const GUID           *key,
  [in]           SECURITY_INFORMATION securityInfo,
  [in, optional] const SID            *sidOwner,
  [in, optional] const SID            *sidGroup,
  [in, optional] const ACL            *dacl,
  [in, optional] const ACL            *sacl


[in] engineHandle

Handle for an open session to the filter engine. Call FwpmEngineOpen0 to open a session to the filter engine.

[in, optional] key

Unique identifier of the provider context object. This is a pointer to the same GUID that was specified when the application called FwpmProviderContextAdd0 for this object.

[in] securityInfo

The type of security information to set.

[in, optional] sidOwner

The owner's security identifier (SID) to be set in the security descriptor.

[in, optional] sidGroup

The group's SID to be set in the security descriptor.

[in, optional] dacl

The discretionary access control list (DACL) to be set in the security descriptor.

[in, optional] sacl

The system access control list (SACL) to be set in the security descriptor.

Return value

Return code/value Description
The security descriptor was set successfully.
FWP_E_* error code
A Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) specific error. See WFP Error Codes for details.
RPC_* error code
Failure to communicate with the remote or local firewall engine.
Other NTSTATUS codes An error occurred.


If the key parameter is NULL or if it is a NULL GUID, this function manages the security information of the provider contexts container.

This function cannot be called from within a transaction, it fails with FWP_E_TXN_IN_PROGRESS. See Object Management for more information about transactions.

This function can be called within a dynamic session if the corresponding object was added during the same session. If this function is called for an object that was added during a different dynamic session, it will fail with FWP_E_WRONG_SESSION. If this function is called for an object that was not added during a dynamic session, it fails with FWP_E_DYNAMIC_SESSION_IN_PROGRESS.

This function behaves like the standard Win32 SetSecurityInfo function. The caller needs the same standard access rights as described in the SetSecurityInfo reference topic.

FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey0 is a specific implementation of FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows Vista.
Target Platform Universal
Header fwpmk.h
Library fwpkclnt.lib

See also