IPsecDospStateCreateEnumHandle0 function (fwpmk.h)

The IPsecDospStateCreateEnumHandle0 function creates a handle used to enumerate a set of IPsec DoS Protection objects.


NTSTATUS IPsecDospStateCreateEnumHandle0(
  [in]           HANDLE                                engineHandle,
  [in, optional] const IPSEC_DOSP_STATE_ENUM_TEMPLATE0 *enumTemplate,
  [out]          HANDLE                                *enumHandle


[in] engineHandle

Handle for an open session to the filter engine. Call FwpmEngineOpen0 to open a session to the filter engine.

[in, optional] enumTemplate

Template for selectively restricting the enumeration.

[out] enumHandle

Address of a HANDLE variable. On function return, it contains the handle for the newly created enumeration.

Return value

Return code/value Description
The enumeration was created successfully.
FWP_E_* error code
A Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) specific error. See WFP Error Codes for details.
RPC_* error code
Failure to communicate with the remote or local firewall engine.
Other NTSTATUS codes An error occurred.


If enumTemplate is NULL, all IPsec DoS Protection objects are returned.

The caller must call IPsecDospStateDestroyEnumHandle0 to free the returned handle.

The caller needs FWPM_ACTRL_READ_STATS access to the IPsec DoS Protection component. See Access Control for more information.

IPsecDospStateCreateEnumHandle0 is a specific implementation of IPsecDospStateCreateEnumHandle. See WFP Version-Independent Names and Targeting Specific Versions of Windows for more information.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows Vista.
Target Platform Universal
Header fwpmk.h
Library fwpkclnt.lib

See also