NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx function (ndis.h)

The NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx function reports a change in the status of a CoNDIS miniport adapter.


void NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx(
  [in]           NDIS_HANDLE             MiniportAdapterHandle,
  [in, optional] NDIS_HANDLE             NdisVcHandle,
  [in]           PNDIS_STATUS_INDICATION StatusIndication


[in] MiniportAdapterHandle

The miniport adapter handle that NDIS passed at the MiniportAdapterHandle parameter of the MiniportInitializeEx function.

[in, optional] NdisVcHandle

A handle that identifies the virtual connection (VC). The miniport driver obtained this handle as an input parameter to its MiniportCoCreateVc function, either when a client set up an outgoing call or when the call manager created a VC for a client-registered service access point (SAP). The call manager created the VC to indicate an incoming-call notification. To send the status indication to all protocol bindings, set this parameter to NULL.

[in] StatusIndication

A pointer to an NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure that contains the status information.

Return value



When a miniport driver calls NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx with a NULL VC handle for the NdisVcHandle parameter, NDIS forwards the status-change notification to all of the bound protocol drivers by calling each bound protocol driver's ProtocolCoStatusEx function. A call to NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx with a non-NULL VC handle restricts the status notification to clients or call managers that the miniport driver shares this VC handle with.

A miniport driver can call NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx after setting its registration attributes, by calling the NdisMSetMiniportAttributes function from its MiniportInitializeEx function, even if the driver is still in the context of the MiniportInitializeEx function. The driver must not call NdisMCoIndicateStatusEx after it returns from the MiniportHaltEx function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported in NDIS 6.0 and later.
Target Platform Desktop
Header ndis.h (include Ndis.h)
Library Ndis.lib
DDI compliance rules Irql_MCO_Function(ndis)

See also





