ndischimney.h header
This header is used by network. For more information, see:
ndischimney.h contains the following programming interfaces:
NdisInitiateOffload A protocol or intermediate driver calls the NdisInitiateOffload function to offload TCP chimney state objects. |
NdisInvalidateOffload A protocol or intermediate driver calls the NdisInvalidateOffload function to invalidate previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
NdisMGetOffloadHandlers This function obtains the entry points of the NDIS functions for a particular chimney type. |
NdisMInitiateOffloadComplete An offload target calls the NdisMInitiateOffloadComplete function to complete an offload operation that was initiated by a previous call to the MiniportInitiateOffload function. |
NdisMInvalidateOffloadComplete An offload target calls the NdisMInvalidateOffloadComplete function to complete an invalidate offload operation that was initiated by a previous call to the MiniportInvalidateOffload function of the offload target. |
NdisMOffloadEventIndicate An offload target calls the NdisMOffloadEventIndicate function to indicate various events to the host stack. |
NdisMQueryOffloadStateComplete An offload target calls the NdisMQueryOffloadStateComplete function to complete a query offload operation that was initiated by a previous call to the offload target's MiniportQueryOffload function. |
NdisMTerminateOffloadComplete An offload target calls the NdisMTerminateOffloadComplete function to complete a terminate offload operation that was initiated by a previous call to the MiniportTerminateOffload function of the offload target. |
NdisMUpdateOffloadComplete An offload target calls the NdisMUpdateOffloadComplete function to complete an update offload operation that was initiated by a previous call to the MiniportUpdateOffload function of the offload target. |
NdisOffloadTcpDisconnect A protocol or intermediate driver calls the NdisOffloadTcpDisconnect function to close the send half of an offloaded TCP connection. |
NdisOffloadTcpForward A protocol driver or an intermediate driver calls the NdisOffloadTcpForward function to forward unacknowledged received TCP segments to an underlying driver or offload target. |
NdisOffloadTcpReceive A protocol driver or an intermediate driver calls the NdisOffloadTcpReceive function to post receive requests (receive buffers) on an offloaded TCP connection. |
NdisOffloadTcpReceiveReturn A protocol driver or intermediate driver calls the NdisOffloadTcpReceiveReturn function to return ownership of NET_BUFFER_LIST and associated structures to an underlying offload target. |
NdisOffloadTcpSend A protocol driver or intermediate driver calls the NdisOffloadTcpSend function to transmit data on an offloaded TCP connection. |
NdisQueryOffloadState A protocol or intermediate driver calls the NdisQueryOffloadState function to query previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
NdisTerminateOffload A protocol driver or intermediate driver calls the NdisTerminateOffload function to terminate the offload of one or more state objects |
NdisUpdateOffload A protocol or intermediate driver calls the NdisUpdateOffload function to update previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
Callback functions
INDICATE_OFFLOAD_EVENT_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolIndicateOffloadEvent function to post an indication that was initiated by an underlying driver's or offload target's call to the NdisMOffloadEventIndicate function. |
INITIATE_OFFLOAD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolInitiateOffloadComplete function to complete an offload operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisInitiateOffload function. |
INVALIDATE_OFFLOAD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolInvalidateOffloadComplete function to complete an invalidate operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisInvalidateOffload function. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadDisconnectComplete function to complete a disconnect request that was initiated by a previous call to the MiniportTcpOffloadDisconnect function of the offload target. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_EVENT_INDICATE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadEventHandler function to indicate an event that pertains to an offloaded TCP connection. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_FORWARD_COMPLETE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadForwardComplete function to complete one or more forward requests that were made to the MiniportTcpOffloadForward function of the offload target. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_RECEIVE_COMPLETE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadReceiveComplete function to return posted receive requests (receive buffers) to the host stack. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_RECEIVE_INDICATE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadReceiveHandler function to indicate that received network data is available for consumption by a client application. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_SEND_COMPLETE An offload target calls the NdisTcpOffloadSendComplete function to complete one or more send requests that were made to the MiniportTcpOffloadSend function of the offload target. |
QUERY_OFFLOAD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolQueryOffloadComplete function to complete a query offload operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisQueryOffload function. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_DISCONNECT_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolTcpOffloadDisconnectComplete function to complete a disconnect operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisOffloadTcpDisconnect function. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_EVENT_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolIndicateOffloadEvent function to post an indication that was initiated by an underlying driver's or offload target's call to the NdisTcpOffloadEventHandler function. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_FORWARD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol or intermediate driver's ProtocolTcpOffloadForwardComplete function to complete a forward operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisOffloadTcpForward function. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_RECEIVE_INDICATE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolTcpOffloadReceiveIndicate function to deliver received data that is being indicated by an underlying driver or offload target. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_RECV_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol or intermediate driver's ProtocolTcpOffloadReceiveComplete function to complete a receive operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisOffloadTcpReceive function. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_SEND_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol or intermediate driver's ProtocolTcpOffloadSendComplete function to complete a send operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisOffloadTcpSend function. |
TERMINATE_OFFLOAD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol or intermediate driver's ProtocolTerminateOffloadComplete function to complete a terminate offload operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisTerminateOffload function. |
UPDATE_OFFLOAD_COMPLETE_HANDLER NDIS calls a protocol driver's or intermediate driver's ProtocolUpdateOffloadComplete function to complete an update offload operation that the driver previously initiated by calling the NdisUpdateOffload function. |
W_INITIATE_OFFLOAD_HANDLER MiniportInitiateOffload offloads TCP chimney state from the host stack. |
W_INVALIDATE_OFFLOAD_HANDLER The MiniportInvalidateOffload function invalidates previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
W_QUERY_OFFLOAD_HANDLER The MiniportQueryOffload function queries previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
W_TCP_OFFLOAD_DISCONNECT_HANDLER The MiniportTcpOffloadDisconnect function closes the send half of an offloaded TCP connection. |
W_TCP_OFFLOAD_FORWARD_HANDLER NDIS calls the MiniportTcpOffloadForward function to forward unacknowledged received TCP segments to an offload target. |
W_TCP_OFFLOAD_RECEIVE_HANDLER NDIS calls the MiniportTcpOffloadReceive function to post receive requests (receive buffers) on an offloaded TCP connection. |
W_TCP_OFFLOAD_RECEIVE_RETURN_HANDLER NDIS calls the MiniportTcpOffloadReceiveReturn function to return ownership of NET_BUFFER_LIST and associated structures to an offload target. |
W_TCP_OFFLOAD_SEND_HANDLER NDIS calls the MiniportTcpOffloadSend function to transmit data on an offloaded TCP connection. |
W_TERMINATE_OFFLOAD_HANDLER The MiniportTerminateOffload function terminates the offload of one or more state objects. |
W_UPDATE_OFFLOAD_HANDLER The MiniportUpdateOffload function updates previously offloaded TCP chimney state objects. |
IP_OFFLOAD_STATS The IP_OFFLOAD_STATS structure contains statistics that an offload target supplies in response to a query of OID_IP4_OFFLOAD_STATS or OID_IP6_OFFLOAD_STATS. |
NDIS_CLIENT_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_GENERIC_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_CLIENT_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_GENERIC_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies a protocol driver's generic chimney offload entry points. |
NDIS_CLIENT_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_TCP_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_CLIENT_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_TCP_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies a protocol or intermediate driver's TCP chimney offload-specific entry points. |
NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST The NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST structure is the basic building block of a TCP chimney offload state tree. An offload state tree can contain one or more NDIS_MINIPORT_OFFLOAD_BLOCK_LIST structures. |
NDIS_OFFLOAD_HANDLE The NDIS_OFFLOAD_HANDLE structure represents a driver's context for an offloaded state object. |
NDIS_PROVIDER_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_GENERIC_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_PROVIDER_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_GENERIC_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies the generic chimney offload miniport entry points of an offload target or intermediate driver. |
NDIS_PROVIDER_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_TCP_CHARACTERISTICS The NDIS_PROVIDER_CHIMNEY_OFFLOAD_TCP_CHARACTERISTICS structure specifies an offload target's TCP chimney offload-specific entry points. |
NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_EVENT_HANDLERS The NDIS_TCP_OFFLOAD_EVENT_HANDLERS structure contains the entry points for the NDIS functions for the TCP chimney. |
NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED The NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED structure contains the cached variables of a neighbor state object. |
NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST The NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST structure contains the constant variables of a neighbor state object. |
NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED The NEIGHBOR_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELGATED structure contains the delegated variable of a neighbor state object. |
OFFLOAD_STATE_HEADER The OFFLOAD_STATE_HEADER structure serves as a header in an offload state structure. |
PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED The PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED structure contains the cached variable of a path state object. |
PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST The PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST structure contains the constant variables of a path state object. |
PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED The PATH_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure contains the delegated variables of a path state object. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_CACHED structure contains the cached variables of a TCP connection state object. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_CONST structure contains the constant variables of a TCP connection state object. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATE_DELEGATED structure contains the delegated variables of a TCP connection state object. |
TCP_OFFLOAD_STATS The TCP_OFFLOAD_STATS structure contains statistics that an offload target supplies in response to a query of OID_TCP4_OFFLOAD_STATS or OID_TCP6_OFFLOAD_STATS. |