IOCTL_POINT_OF_SERVICE_UPDATE_STATISTICS IOCTL (pointofservicedriverinterface.h)

This I/O control function sets the specified statistic to the value in the input buffer.

Major code


Input buffer

PosStatisticsHeader where PosStatisticsHeader.EntryCount is set to the number of statistics to update.

This structure is then followed by a corresponding number of PosValueStatisticsEntry structures that contain the name of a statistic and the corresponding value to which it will be updated.

Input buffer length

The sizeof(PosStatisticsHeader) + PosStatisticsHeader.EntryCount * sizeof(PosValueStatisticsEntry).

Output buffer

Not used with this operation; set to NULL.

Output buffer length

Not used with this operation; set to 0 (zero).

Status block

Returns TRUE if successful; otherwise, returns FALSE.


To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following is a common error value:

  • STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED: Statistic updating or reporting is not supported.


Requirement Value
Header pointofservicedriverinterface.h (include Pointofservicedriverinterface.h)